The Mogul and the Muscle - Claire Kingsley Page 0,41

him to find out.

Jude accidentally seeing my boobs hadn’t embarrassed me, but I was deeply ashamed of that video. Ashamed that I’d let Aldrich record it in the first place when I should have known better. Ashamed that other men had seen it—seen me in such an intimate act. I didn’t know why the idea of Jude finding out about it hurt so much, but it did.

But I was Cameron fucking Whitbury. President of a multi-billion-dollar company. Badass aerospace mogul. And I wasn’t going to let my ex hurt me.

“Cameron,” Aldrich said with a smooth smile. He made a move to step in closer—probably to kiss my cheek—but he seemed to notice Jude. He hesitated, his smile faltering, then offered his hand.

I let him take my hand and shook his—hard. “Aldrich.”

His only reaction was a slight eye twitch.

Jude no longer kept a respectful distance, the ever-watchful but unobtrusive bodyguard. He crowded my space, standing so close if I had leaned backward a fraction of an inch, I would have pressed against his chest. I could practically feel his body heat.

“I was wondering if I’d run into you,” Aldrich said. “How have you been?”

“I’ve been well. You?”

“I can’t complain. Busy, as usual. You know how it is.”

The girl at his side didn’t seem to care that he hadn’t introduced her. She pulled her phone out of her purse and started typing.

“Yes, I do know how it is.”

“What do you think of the installation?” he asked.

“It’s interesting. Very colorful.”

“You know what it reminds me of?” His eyes darted to Jude, then back to me. “That trip we took to Costa Rica. The place we stayed had that big painting above the bed. You said the colors were soothing.”

Why was he bringing up a trip we’d taken more than two years ago? “Did I?”

“Don’t you remember lying backwards on the bed so we could stare at it?”

I barely restrained myself from rolling my eyes. Was that comment for me, or Jude? Either way, it was clearly an attempt to show off the fact that he’d been with me.

“Vaguely,” I said. Silently hoping Jude would understand my signal, I shifted my feet, just enough that my shoulder brushed against his chest.

I felt him lift his arm. Checking his watch? He put a hand on my arm and leaned closer to my ear. “It’s time to go, Ms. Whitbury.”

I kept the smile from my lips, but nothing could stop the rush of warm fuzzy feelings that poured through me. There were benefits to having a cock-blocking bodyguard.

“Thank you, Jude.” I set my empty martini glass down on a ledge. “I have another engagement to get to.”

“It was great seeing you, Cameron,” Aldrich said, his lips curling in a smile that made me feel like vomiting all over his suede shoes.

I took a step closer to him and lowered my voice to almost a whisper. “I’d say it was nice to see you too, but that would be a lie.”

Without another word, I walked away, allowing myself a little strut. A little hip sway. My dress might not have been club-worthy, but I did have a great ass. I’d worked hard for it.

I didn’t have to look over my shoulder to know Jude was there. I needed to stop and text my driver to come pick us up, but I wanted to get out of Aldrich’s line of sight first. I walked down the path, past the waist-high wrought iron fence, and continued up the sidewalk.

Cars were parallel parked along the street. I kept walking until there was an empty space, and fewer people nearby. Jude stopped behind me. I didn’t turn around. I was flustered. Irritated at Aldrich. Wishing I could have chewed him out for lying when he’d promised he’d delete the video. For showing it to his friends. For acting so fucking smug.

And that little remark about our trip to Costa Rica? What an ass.

Trying to channel my inner Luna and breathe away my stress, I texted my driver.

“Where to next?” Jude asked.

Anywhere but here? Home so I could put on a pair of pajama pants and not share a bottle of my favorite cabernet?

But I didn’t want Jude to think a two-minute conversation with my ex would rattle me enough to send me running home.

“I’m thinking Naoe. Sushi sounds good. I don’t have a reservation, but I’ll have Joe call ahead.”

Jude didn’t say anything, so I lifted my phone to text Joe again.

An arm cinched around my waist and spun me, knocking Copyright 2016 - 2024