The Mogul and the Muscle - Claire Kingsley Page 0,28

fabulous. I had no idea where I’d wear them, but I loved how brash they were.

Heels were my little rebellion. I’d spent most of my childhood being teased for my height. I hadn’t even tried on a pair of high heels until I was out of college, assuming tall girls couldn’t wear them. But now I wore them almost daily. I loved them. I loved the way they made my legs look. And I loved that they added inches to my already tall frame. They were my private fuck you to every asshole who’d made fun of me as a kid.

“Those look incredible on you,” the clerk said.

I stood and took a few steps in front of one of the full-length mirrors. The shoes felt fabulous, and I loved the way they looked. I planted one toe on the floor and angled my foot to get a better look.

A hint of movement in the mirror caught my eye. I could see Jude’s reflection behind me. He was staring, but not like a bored statue. He’d tilted his head ever so slightly and his eyes were on my legs. My long legs in a short skirt.

He was totally checking me out.

I felt a flush of heat and glanced at my face in the mirror, hoping I wasn’t blushing. Thankfully there was only a hint of pink in my cheeks.

My eyes darted back to his reflection, but he’d looked away. Maybe I’d imagined him watching me with heat in his gaze. Had there been something other than professionalism in Jude’s expression? Had I caught a glimpse of the man behind the wall?

I tried on a few more pairs but ultimately left with just the red ones. I thanked the clerk and Jude held the door, then fell in step with me.

I didn’t have another store in mind, so we wandered past meticulously curated window displays and bubbling fountains. Mostly it felt good to be away from all things work. Brandy had been right, I’d needed this.

And I could grudgingly admit that it didn’t ruin anything to have Jude along. He didn’t talk much, but we strolled in comfortable silence. And any hint of anxiety I might have had about being in public since the incident in the parking garage was nonexistent. Jude was here. I was fine.

But I didn’t need to spend an entire day shopping. My mind was already flitting back to my to-do list. I’d taken a break. I could finish out the day in my home office. Let Jude have the rest of his Saturday to himself.

Agent Provocateur, one of my favorite lingerie stores, caught my eye up ahead. I thought about Jude’s statue impression in Jimmy Choo—and that glimpse I’d caught of him in the mirror. It had only been for a second, and maybe I’d imagined it. But I wondered if I could crack that stony façade again.

“One more stop,” I said with a smile and veered toward the entrance.

We stepped into a world of soft pink paneling and gold accents. Venini chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their nineteen-seventies style just on the fashionable side of gaudy. Leopard print rugs with pink borders decorated the floor.

I pretended to be completely absorbed in the displays of lacy bras and panties, but I kept an eye on Jude, sneaking glances at him from my peripheral vision. He took up a position partway inside the store, probably where he had the best view.

Just doing his job.

A few other women wandered through the store. I took slow steps, pausing to brush my fingers over a sheer nightie. I found a gorgeous nude and black bra that would leave very little to the imagination.

I pulled it off the display and stepped in front of a mirror. Jude was behind me, arms crossed over his chest, that same stony expression on his face.

I held up the bra and tilted my head, like I was considering how it would fit. My eyes flicked to Jude.

No change.

He really was a brick wall.

I put the bra back and glanced at a few more things. My circuit brought me close to Jude. Pausing again, I ran my fingers over a very naughty rose gold cuff and choker set. The shiny metal cuffs were connected to a black braided rope. Luxury kink.

My eyes darted to Jude again. Nothing.

Except I caught sight of his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat with a hard swallow and a tiny bead of sweat glistened on his forehead. In the air-conditioned store.

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