The Mix-Up (Southern Hearts Club #3) - Melanie Munton Page 0,12

meticulously spreads out my folders and binders on the large wooden table, organizing them in a similar fashion to what I prefer. “I did. You don’t like it, report me to HR.”

I sneer at his lowered head.

Like I said, I’ve never been offended by the way Ryder speaks to me, as looney as that might sound. Not to mention, complaining to someone else about my problems implies that I’m not capable of handling them myself.

And…snitches get stitches.

It’s actually refreshing that he doesn’t mince words, doesn’t hide behind subterfuge. I’m a straightforward person, and I like things to be laid out clearly. No bullshit. Ryder is the same way. It’s why we work so well together. He may push my buttons, but he’s never crossed a line I was uncomfortable with.

I drop myself into a chair on the opposite side of the table. “Then I guess you’ll have to report me to HR for calling you a dick.”

He clucks his tongue in agreement. “Only fair.”

“I hope the company has a criminal defense lawyer on retainer because I might need it.”

“I see those Monday menses are rearing their ugly heads.”

“Oh, good. That’ll be my defense when I’m on trial for your murder.”

An hour later, his suit jacket is draped over the chair beside him, shirt sleeves rolled up to his forearms. My hair is being held up by a pencil, my feet are bare, and the bag of chocolate-covered espresso beans sitting on the table between us is nearly empty. Months ago, during another one of these all-nighters, I was munching on a bag of them at my desk. Walking past, Ryder grabbed it and dumped a handful into his palm. With a mouthful of beans, he mumbled that they, too, were his favorite.

Now, we never work together without that bag between us.

He pushes back from the table and scrubs his hands down his face. “Their Christmas deadline for product release is really pushing it. I think it’s too ambitious.”

I do, too. But… “They want it on the shelves by Christmas.” I roll my neck around on my shoulders. “All that last-minute holiday shopping should drive sales.”

“Why did you keep working here?”

My head snaps up, my confused gaze colliding with his. “What?”

His expression is inscrutable, but it’s…intense. Whatever is going on behind his blue eyes must be a doozy. “If you thought you had slept with your boss, why didn’t you just quit?”

“You really want to talk about this now?” While sober?

I do confrontation best with some liquid courage.

He says nothing. Just watches me and waits.

I toss my pen onto the table. “Because if you didn’t remember it happening, then I could pretend like it never did, too. Clean slate.”

When his tongue slowly drags over his lower lip, I can’t tell if he likes that answer or not.

I roll my eyes with a huff. “Plus, not to add to your already inflated ego, this is the best market and ad firm in the area, despite your abhorrent people skills. It was a dream job for me.”

He taps his finger against the gleaming wood of the table. Tap, tap, tap. “You made it clear right from the start that you weren’t my biggest fan. Can I now assume that was because you were angry that I, from your perspective, didn’t remember us having sex?”

I have no answer.

What the hell am I supposed to say to that? I’m afraid the truth will make me sound like a naïve girl who became obsessed with a guy after only one night.

FYI, I didn’t.

Tap, tap, tap of his finger. “But being angry implies that you wanted me to remember.” A muscle pops in his jaw. “It was that good for you?”

‘Kay, now I’m rattled.

Because now I know that I never slept with Ryder Colson. My long-time annoyance with him is unfounded, yet it feels as strong as ever and I don’t know what to do about it.

“We’re not talking about this,” I state firmly.

“Why not?”

Seriously? “Because now I know it wasn’t you. Which means that none of this is your business. We”—I gesture between us—“never slept together.”

Your brother and I did was the unspoken part of that sentence.

He hears it. And his nostrils flare.

“You’re right,” he admits gruffly. “It wasn’t me. Because if it had been me, I wouldn’t have forgotten a single detail. Like Myles obviously did.”

My face goes slack.

Hold the phone.

Ryder just took us into another realm. Another dimension. For the first time ever, he turned a sexual corner with me. One I thought we Copyright 2016 - 2024