Mistletoe Magic (Paradise Place #6) - Natalie Ann Page 0,46

starting to ache as she was trying to meet and match his movements. Not that she cared. Nope, she had no care at all other than getting to the end of the wonderful rainbow where the pot of gold was going to be.

“Tell me you’re close,” he said almost out of breath.

“I am. I’m right there,” she said, her voice higher than ever before until she just screamed out his name. His hands went under her ass, and he brought her up higher and just started to pound into her until she moaned out again. She wasn’t sure if she came again or that was just the world’s longest orgasm ever.

He finally collapsed on top of her. “Damn,” he said. “I hope I’m not too heavy because I don’t think I can move right yet.”

Her legs were still around his hips, her arms around his back. “You’re right where I want you to be.”

For a man who said he didn’t think he could move, he managed to lift his head and put his hands around her face. “I love you.”

She smiled back at him. “I love you too. But I have to know, was it what I wore that made you slip and say it? Because if it is I’m going to go buy some more. No wait, that’s wrong.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “It’s you. It’s been you all along,” he said. “Though a few of these outfits would be a nice bonus.”

“I think I can handle that.”

She could handle anything with Brian by her side.


Right At Home

The next morning, Robin was up bright and early and out the door while Brian stayed behind with the dogs. She’d said she’d come back after she was done setting up for the Christmas party combination fundraiser.

Part of him felt odd being in her house by himself, but the other part felt right at home.

“So, what do you two want to do this morning?” he asked the dogs. They quickly jumped up on his lap and started to bathe his face in kisses. They were growing so fast and he knew pretty soon they’d be taking him for a walk rather than the other way around.

“How about we play?” he asked them. They were always up for a good tug of war with the rope he got that let them both grab a piece and he had the other end.

He set them down and started to look for it, finding it in her office, then getting on the floor. The dogs knew right away what was going to happen and dove on him. They wrestled a bit, then started to tug. When he was out of breath, he got up and thought the dogs would be done.

Nope. They seemed to have endless energy. “How about a walk?” he asked. Just sitting around watching TV was boring. Her house was clean, not that he would feel right doing that either, at least more than tidying up, which it didn’t need.

If he was smart he would have brought his laptop with him and he could have gotten some work done, but he hadn’t been thinking of anything other than Meena’s party last night.

He’d snuck out of work early, went home and showered and changed, then brought a change of clothes with him when he came to get her.

Had he expected last night to turn out the way it had?

Never in a million years.

She was stunning. She was fun. She was awkward at times.

And she loved him.

That’s right, she loved him.

He’d had no plans on saying those words last night. Not. At. All.

But having lost all his brain cells while they were going at it on her bed...yeah, they just spilled out of his mouth like milk on the counter that he knocked over reaching for a cookie.

He couldn’t get paper towels fast enough and he couldn’t take the words back.

He was glad he didn’t have to.

The dogs were jumping all over his legs now, so he clipped their leashes on, put his jacket on, and then decided to just walk them around the block. It’d be good to wear them out before Robin came back and they had to go in the crate.

Two hours later, he was dozing on the couch when he felt something soft on his face, his hand coming up to bat it away.

Then he heard a giggle and opened his eyes to see Robin standing there grinning. “You were snoring. And drooling.”

His hand came up and wiped the

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