Mistletoe Magic (Paradise Place #6) - Natalie Ann Page 0,39

but my mother has been making comments about missing having a dog at home and since she’s retired, it’s possible she might sneak in and get one.”

“Cooper was surprised I was dating someone. He apologized if he stepped on toes.”

“And why is that?” he asked grabbing his own slice.

“Are you jealous?” she asked, stopping mid bite. “No reason to be.”

He didn’t think he was, but he supposed it came off that way. No, he was wrong. Yes, he was jealous. He’d admit it. “I guess I might be. But now he knows you’re dating someone and I’ll be showing up for that event next to your side.”

“I hoped you would. Anyway, I’ve never had anyone be jealous of me before. I guess I was a little jealous when I was in your office the other day too.”

“Why is that?”

“I just got the feeling Molly might have been upset we were dating. Like maybe she had a thing for you.”

“I started to think it too. Honestly, she made a comment about us dating when you left and I told her my private life had nothing to do with work.”

He didn’t want to say that Molly commented on his past dating with ex clients. No reason to go into that here.

“So she did have a thing for you?”

“I don’t think so. If she did, she doesn’t now. I’m her boss so that is off limits. And she isn’t my type either.”

“She’s not much different than me.”

He started to laugh. “Are you kidding me? You two are nothing alike. She’s shy and sort of boring and dull.”

“You said she’s a Pitbull when she sinks her teeth into things too. That’s nothing like me. But I’m shy and could be considered dull.”

He reached his hand over and tucked her hair behind her ears. “You’ve got an internal shine to you. Nothing dull there. You’re not shy, just a little timid. And you’re a little Pitbull too. You knew what you wanted and you went after it. I’m thankful every day for that too.”

She smiled and that shine he said she had, it just lit the room right up.

“Me too,” she said. “Why are people so interested in our dating lives now? I never got any interest before I met Alex. After I divorced I didn’t get as much but I purposely moved and didn’t tell anyone I was divorced or from who.”

Because she didn’t want to be hit on for her wealth. “I’m not sure why anyone cares. I only care about you,” he said.

“Aw. That is the sweetest thing.”

He wanted to be insulted that was the result of his statement. He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t that.

“Yeah, sweet, that’s me,” he said going back to his pizza.

She looked at him and then started to laugh uncontrollably. “I’m so sorry. That came out wrong. I’m so tired. I shouldn’t be, but I am. It makes me loopy.”

“It’s fine,” he said, smiling at her. If he was hurt he was keeping it to himself. It was not the first time he’d kept that to himself. That maybe he was feeling something for someone and they didn’t feel the same.


A Place Of My Own

Robin let the dogs out to run in the backyard. Brian had left for the day. They’d gotten into the habit of him staying at least on Saturday nights. Next weekend was going to be a busy one for them, being the weekend before Christmas.

A party at Meena and Troy’s on Friday night and then the fundraiser at the shelter on Saturday.

But this Sunday, Brian left after a nice breakfast that he’d cooked for them, saying he had laundry and things to do around the house. She suspected that he might be going shopping for gifts too but wasn’t going to call him out on it.

She was going to take this time to play with her pups since it was sunny and forty with no wind. Couldn’t really ask for a better winter day in her mind.

“Robin,” she heard from the backyard.

There was Livi trying to jump up to be seen. “Hi, Livi,” she said back and waved her hand.

“Can I come play with you and the dogs?”

“Of course,” she said. The pups loved it when Livi chased them.

“Let me go tell Blair where I am.”

She watched as the little girl ran into Blair’s shop in the back. She made a mental note that she still had to stop into The Healing Touch and check it out. Maybe she’d get

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