Mistletoe and Mr. Right (Moose Springs, Alaska #2) - Sarah Morgenthaler Page 0,52

her perfume lingering in his senses.

“Lana,” he called, her name slipping from his mouth before he had made the conscious decision. Those glorious eyes met his, and immediately a rosy blush stained her cheeks. And when he rose, offering her his seat, that blush darkened.

“Oh, no need,” Lana said, waving him back down. “I don’t have very long. Are you… Everything okay?”

“She means are you still high on moose tranqs?” Ash said out of the side of her mouth.

“I’m fine,” he told her.

A checkup with his regular physician this morning revealed he was perfectly healthy. Other than his arm being sore and being mortified at singing love ballads to Lana, Rick was no worse for the wear.

Embarrassed but no worse.

While she ordered her drink and a pastry to go, Rick cast around and found a spare chair, pulling it over to their already crowded table. Returning, Lana offered him a grateful look, sitting next to him. She glanced with mild curiosity at his phone still lying on the table, then politely averted her eyes.

“That’s not real…” Rick stuttered, seeing the fake profile his friends had started building for him. “These three are idiots.”

Ash and Graham gave her twin waves of matching innocence. Easton hid his guilt behind his beard.

Lana exhaled a soft laugh. “It’s a very nice profile. And the picture is almost as good-looking as you are.”

Rick flushed at the compliment. He couldn’t help but remember the feeling of her leg beneath his head, her fingers in his hair, stroking soothingly. It was that—her touch—which had sent a shot of adrenaline into his recently anaphylactic sex drive. When Lana touched him, Rick knew how ready he was to have human contact again. Someone who wanted his hands on her too.

Lana’s eyes lingered, as if making sure he was definitely okay, then she turned to his companions.

“Ash,” Lana said. “I was hoping to hire you to take me for a little ride.”

“A little ride where, exactly?”

“Oh, you know…out and about.”

For some reason, she was being evasive, which only made Rick more curious. He wasn’t the only one.

“Do I want to know?” Ash asked, sounding suspicious.

“I’ll try to keep my evil machinations at a minimum. Rick? Do you mind if I steal a moment of your time? I was hoping to talk to you for a minute. Privately.”

“You’re not going to shoot him again, are you?” Easton rumbled, causing Ash to snicker as Rick rose to his feet, following Lana outside.

She looked nervous, fiddling with her coffee cup with slightly shaking fingers. “I’ll pay you for the electricity we used the other night.”

“Naw, it’s no big deal.”

“Even though I tranq’d you?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time something like that happened around here.” Rick shrugged. “Won’t be the last either. But since I’d rather spend my time anywhere other than the emergency room, I appreciate your crappy aim.”

“My aim is very good when three gallons of Ruby Lockett’s eggnog isn’t coursing through my veins.”

“You and everyone else.” He noticed her hands were still trembling. “Are you cold? We can go back inside.”

“No, just concerned about you. I wanted to see how you were feeling.”

“Now that the moose tranqs are out of my system?” Rick chuckled at the consternation on her face.

“I promise, I had no idea the cinnamon in the eggnog was cinnamon schnapps. I would have been far less indulgent. I also plan on covering all your current medical expenses and any that may occur as a result of my…indiscretion.”

“Thinking I was a moose.”

She wrinkled her nose when she was upset, and if it weren’t so cute, Rick would have tried harder to stop teasing her. Instead, he stepped closer. This time, he didn’t mind the hand reaching up to press against his forehead, checking for a fever.

“Lana. It’s fine. I’m fine. It’s actually kind of funny.”

Suddenly, she had her arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him. The action was so unexpected, Rick stood there for a moment. Then he tentatively placed his palm on the small of her back. He’d only meant for it to be a chaste hug in return, but Lana leaned into his chest. Rick’s arm slipped around her waist of its own accord, drawing her snug to his torso.

It hadn’t occurred to him how much she needed a hug until her arms tightened about him.

Man, she felt good. How long had it been since he’d had a woman in his arms? Long enough that he wasn’t sure if he was holding on too tight or if

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