Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,84

around for a week. Jurnee and I would go next. Although I wasn’t from L.A., it wouldn’t take the rags long to identify me, which would lead them back to the story we planted about our relationship.

Jurnee agreed to get ready with Faith when we arrived at the hotel. She gave me a quick hug and wished me luck with my parents. Sadness washed over her when she turned to follow Faith, so I stopped her and told Faith she’d be right upstairs.

“Room 2537. Here, take the key.”

“Thank you.” Jurnee accepted the key with a forced smile.

“Listen, I know this is a lot.” She nodded, but her glance stayed down on the ground. “Our life won’t always be about parties in L.A. and my parents crashing a party.”

“Entire family.”

“Touché,” I leaned my forehead down onto hers, “I love you, and I can’t wait to see you in one of those fancy dresses. Will you dance with me?”

“No. I can’t dance.” She started to shake. “Your family doesn’t like me, and you’re just finding out that I can’t dance.”

“My family doesn’t know you, and I’ll take care of you out there.”

My text alert sounded. I knew who it was without looking. We both needed to get ready, and I needed to go handle my family. I watched the elevator doors begin to close.

“Save me a dance.”

“Don’t stand me up.” The fear on Jurnee’s face ripped a hole in my heart.




Faith suggested we down a glass of champagne before the glam squad arrived. She was kind and asked questions about me even though this was her day. Her background was like mine in that she was minding her own business one day when Bryan spotted her. Her life hadn’t been the same since. I liked her immediately.

One hour later, I was showered, waxed everywhere that could be waxed, and fluffed and buffed. The person staring back at me in the mirror looked stunning. The silver dress was shorter than anything I would have ever picked up for myself. The shoes were taller too. Together, I felt hotter than I had ever felt. A part of me knew I would need to get used to this glam squad treatment if I planned to be with Anderson.

A doorbell rang, and one of the glam squad members opened the door. Faith walked in, wearing a very short white dress. We smiled when our eyes met, and I knew at that moment we were going to be fast friends. Otis followed behind her, wearing a classic tuxedo.

Geez, this day was not going how I envisioned it when Derrick woke me up.

Otis placed his hand on Faith’s back and gestured for both of us to take a seat. “Excuse me. Can I have the room?”

Never have I watched a room clear out like this one. Rats off a sinking ship weren’t as fast as the people smiling and nodding were in their departure. The three of us were alone.

“Ladies, you both look beautiful.” Otis picked up a bottle of champagne and offered it to us.

Faith grabbed two relatively clean glasses, and we watched her shake as she poured. Otis retrieved the bottle and filled our glasses.

“Faith, you are minutes away from leaving your old world behind to marry one of my very best friends. I can tell you without a second of doubt that he loves you completely.” Faith radiated pure happiness.

When Otis looked at me, I swallowed. “And you. You came crashing into Anderson’s life so unexpectedly, but you turned out to be what he was missing. You jump-started his life while lightening his heart. Thank you for that.”

He checked his watch and continued, “Once we head out of this room, we get into a car that will drive us to the other side of the hotel for the party. I will get out first and assist Faith, before handing you over to Bryan. While I assist Jurnee out of the car, you and Bryan will stroll over to the side and be photographed.”

“What if there aren’t any photographers?” Faith’s voice was shaky but stiffened by the end of her question.

“Tonight, both of your lives will change. There will be press from now on. Our group has worked tirelessly to stay under the radar.”

“The sex pad.” Faith and I said in unison, garnishing another common point between us.

“Why are you taking us over there? I mean, why aren’t Anderson and Bryan here to escort us?” I asked as I reach to play in my hair, but

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