Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,69

and this new piglet don’t get along or if Rover remains depressed, it will be re-homed to a Montana ranch.”

“Montana ranch?”

“Otis.” I nodded at his response and moved next to Pete to check out the piglets. The trip had taken a turn for the better at the thought we might take a baby pig back to the city with us.

“Pigs in the city. Pig babysitters. What in Sam Hill is next?”



Anderson was unhappy when I insisted on returning to my sublet after our trip to the farm and dinner. He mumbled about not understanding why I couldn’t just accept his offer as he tossed the bags he had packed for me three days earlier into his car. The drive back to Brooklyn had been silent, and, thankfully, traffic was light, so it was over relatively quickly.

I squinted at the bright screen and read a text from Derrick.

Derrick - OH MY GOD!!! Did you see the paper?

Jurnee - It’s 5:30 in the morning.

Derrick - I know. I waited until a decent hour to text you.

Jurnee - Keep waiting

Derrick - You are in the paper

I sat up in bed and hit my head on the slanted ceiling. Rubbing my head, I re-read his text.

Jurnee - What are you talking about?

Derrick – Well, assuming you are the Mystery Girl from the ‘sighting’ section on Page Six.

Jurnee - Page Six of what?

The next text Derrick sent had a link to The New York Post’s Page Six. There it was, staring back at me.

Anderson Douglas has come out of hiding with a new Mystery Girl.

Complete with a picture of the two of us leaving the restaurant together. I looked closer. The picture was from the first time Anderson took me out to dinner. The night we said our goodbyes, and I had taken the subway back to Brooklyn. This was days old. This was crazy.

Completely awake now, I wasn’t as cheerful at seeing a random picture of the two of us published online. I needed to breathe, so I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door for a walk. By the time I got on the subway, my ankle was throbbing so badly that I decided to just ride the train for a while.

When I finally checked my watch, I panicked as I discovered I’d been riding for two solid hours.

A half an hour of rushing home to dress and back on the train toward the Financial District, my text alert displayed Soraya’s name displayed across the screen.

Soraya - Girl, you made Page Six. Are you freaking out? Don’t freak out! Avery, Genevieve, and I want to take you out to lunch to celebrate. Can you make a one o’clock reservation at the Tak Room?

Jurnee - Celebrate?

Soraya - We’ll explain at lunch. Can you make it?

Jurnee - I’ll have to check with Alan. He has a long list for us to get through today.

Our morning meeting seemed to drag as Alan explained in minute detail how the partnership would work in terms of the design of each of the coffee shops. He stated that they would give me time to approve the drafted plans, but I would need to have good reasons to veto any part.

Scribbling notes as he spoke, I couldn’t help wishing I was still working with Anderson. It wasn’t that he did whatever I said, but he made me feel like I had a real say in what happened. Alan spoke like he was in charge, and I was just here for the ride.

I glanced at my phone and noted there was still an hour and a half before I was supposed to leave for lunch. Alan continued to go over the timeline and when I would need to be available on-site. Sadie popped her head in the door. I smiled at the interruption.

“Graham needs to see Jurnee in his office immediately. He requests that you two start again after lunch.”

Alan pressed his lips together as he closed the file in front of him. “Of course.”

“Jurnee, would you mind coming with me?”

Up on my feet, I headed to the door without a reply. Once in the hallway, I stopped her. “Thank you for saving me. I was falling asleep in there.”

“My pleasure. I totally get it.” She giggled as she slipped into her chair behind her desk. “Graham is expecting you.”

“Thanks again.”

I stopped in the open doorway when I saw Anderson sitting in one of the chairs across from Graham’s desk. Graham stood, prompting Anderson to stand as well.

“Jurnee, I’m sorry

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