Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,66

as an upscale street cart while the building entrance would function as an upscale, exclusive coffee shop.”

“Can you see the merchandise opportunities?” Anderson leaned forward to rest his arms on his legs.

“Yeah, but I also see getting some interesting information from the building tenants that could be very helpful.”

“The coffee shop as a foot in the door of buildings to add to our assets.”

Eric perked up. “What are you thinking? A potential partnership with Graham?”

“He is interested in meeting with us.”

Tired of the guys talking around me, I held up my hand to stop them. “Wait, are you guys in business together?”

Eric laughed, “Anderson has his hands in many things.”

“Do tell.” I shot Anderson the eye.

He pulled me back into the nook of his chest. “I dabble when something looks interesting.”

“Dabble. You hold forty-nine percent of my company. If I’m not mistaken, you also hold the same percent in both Otis’s and Bryan’s companies. You also fund a super PAC for that Senator friend of yours. I’d say you do more than dabble.”

“Why do you work for Graham if you have all the other stuff going on?” Anderson’s chuckle had to have been from the confusion on my face.

“Those are financial investments. I work for Graham because he is the best at what he does, and I want to learn everything I can from him.”

I thought for a moment. “You have the best of both worlds. You get to learn from Graham and apply what you’re learning to companies that you have a major stake in. Nicely done.”

“Thank you. Glad you approve.” We stared at each other for a minute too long.

“I’m out. You two look like you’re going to rip each other’s clothes off any second.” Eric started to stand.

“Don’t go. We aren’t doing anything until her ankle heals.”

“Really, man. I can think of a lot of stuff that could be done with her injury.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, how about you not think of things that can be done with her injured or not.”

Eric laughed as he dropped back down in the chair.

Anderson read a text, “Markus just picked up dinner. You should stay and eat.”

“Can’t we go out for dinner?” I pouted. “I’ve been in this house for three straight days.”

“Nope. Might I remind you that you were all over the house looking for the perfect solution for getting Rover on the sofa? You’re going nowhere tonight.”

“What’s he picking up?” I was learning that Eric asked excellent questions.


Eric leaped up, “Staying and I’m making margaritas.”

“Can I see what you purchased now?”

Anderson handed me the bag and chuckled as I did another happy dance from a seated position. I hadn’t heard of 111Skin products but loved the fact that he had gone to the store to get me nice skincare products.

Turning a bit to look into his eyes, I mouthed thank you and leaned in, asking for a kiss. The sweet kiss quickly turned hotter, and his hands found their way to the back of my head, grabbing my hair. Just as I pressed into Anderson, Eric yelled in from the kitchen.

“How about strawberry margaritas?”

Anderson rested his forehead on mine. “When your ankle is better…”

“Yes, please. Thanks, Eric.” We both laughed, and just like that, it was Mexican night.



The blurred autumn colors replaced the sky-high buildings and congested streets of the City, allowing me to breathe in myself while simultaneously exhaling the tension of being in a house with Anderson.

“You’re awfully quiet. What’s going on in that mind of yours?” Anderson’s voice cut through the low music.

“I was thinking about Rover. It’s been fun having him keep me company while being held hostage in your… what are we calling it now?”

He cringed. “It is my house, and you were not held hostage. The doctor said you needed to stay off your ankle for several days.”

“I know. I know.” Crossing my legs in a failed attempt to elevate my ankle, I shifted my Old Navy dress to give my legs a bit more room. “Thank you very much for providing me such amazing care.”

“You’re welcome–”

“Hillsdale!” I pointed to the road sign. “I love Hillsdale!”

“You’ve been to Hillsdale?” The confusion was written on his face.

“Nah. Never been. I used to write to different city’s Chamber of Commerce for information on their city.” I twirled a few strains of my hair.

“Why?” He alternated looking at the highway and at me.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged and stared out the window. “I guess I’ve always wanted to move somewhere else but was too afraid to

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