Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,6

one coffee shop idea into a chain, spreading your vision all over the City.”

“Is this why you were so rude yesterday? Because you work for Graham Morgan?”

“I wasn’t at the restaurant for a date. I had a meeting that canceled.”

“You’re full of shit.”

He was clearly caught off guard by my words, and that made me smile. I could see the wheels turning in his mind. Is it wrong that I’m enjoying making him work hard? Probably.

“Well, Ms. Manners, isn’t that something coming from you? Super polite.”

I leaned back in the chair, and my shoulders slumped. He was right. I was being an ass to him because I was butthurt that he wasn’t interested. Shit. What’s wrong with you, Jurnee? Super professional.

“Mr. Douglas, please accept my apology for being rude. This is a generous offer and–” I stopped when his hand went up. “Yes?”

“Please call me Anderson. We are a long way from you thanking me for this great opportunity.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Jurnee, Morgan Financial Holdings is prepared to go into this partnership with you, but I will need to work with your attorneys to solidify an agreement that works for both parties.”

“Well, I don’t have an attorney, and I agree to the terms. I mean, I didn’t even think this was a possibility. Everything is a cherry at this point.”

The look on his face let me know I had said something wrong. I replayed my words to figure out what I said to warrant a face of utter disbelief. Cherry?

“You came to a meeting at Morgan Financial Holdings to pitch a partnership, and you don’t have an attorney. What’s wrong with you?”

“There isn’t anything wrong with me.” I glared at him. “Had you had put the phone down for five minutes yesterday, you’d already know I’m a fabulous individual with manners any mother would be proud of.”

“I think more than five minutes would have been required.”

His phone vibrated before I could reply to his latest insult. The wheels were spinning with a good comeback as he answered the phone.

“Anderson.” He snapped into his phone.

That cleared up any question if he was only rude to me or rude to everyone.

“Call Samantha and see if she can come. I’ll be there shortly.” I noted a dramatic change in his tone. He listened a moment longer and placed the phone on the table. He tapped the button on the same phone Graham had used to call his secretary during our earlier meeting.

“Markus.” A man with a deep voice answered.

What was with this city and the lack of pleasantries?

“Rover isn’t doing well again. Are you close?”

“I’ll be out front in five.” Both men disconnected with no further conversation.

Rover. This guy has a pet.

“You have a pet?” I couldn’t stop the words from falling out of my mouth.

“I do have a pet.” He flipped the folder over that had been sitting open on the table. “I need to cut this short.” He continued as he scanned the handwritten notes in front of him. “We have a lot of work to do, and I’d like to get started first thing Monday morning. Does nine work for you?”

“You just don’t seem like someone that would have a pet.”

“You have determined in the short time that we have spent together that I’m not the type of person who would have a pet?”

“Sort of.”

“I guess that’s another area that you aren’t as competent in. Reading people. Are you able to be here by nine? Are you alright working here at Morgan?” He looked me up and down. “I’m assuming you don’t have an office in the city. Correct?”

“Nine is fine.” I grabbed my belongings and headed for the door. “I hope everything turns out okay with Rover.”

I closed the door behind me and took a much-needed deep breath. I walked down the hallway toward the exit, suddenly nervous that I’d gotten turned around. All the dark cherry wood doors looked the same. Luckily, the hallway opened up to the lobby where I waited before the meeting with Graham. I exited the large double glass doors and made my way to the elevator.

My mind was spinning as the reality of going into business with Graham Morgan began to seep in. The fact that I was going to be working with the most attractive man I’d ever seen but with a shitty personality crept into my thoughts as I pressed the button to call the elevator.

Shit. What are you going to do now?



The soft chime of the elevator in my building snatched

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