Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,50

taken a large gulp from. “So, have you and Anderson discussed anything about his family?”

“He has two sisters that share a birthday with me.” I combed my fingers through my hair. “How weird is that?”

Graham looked impatient, so I continued, “His parents live in France.”

Soraya took her own gulp of wine. “Anything else?”

“Oh. He went to NYU.” I shrugged. “I guess I don’t know that much about his family. Why?”

“Do you want to take this one, Suit?” Soraya touched Graham’s leg.

“First, let me tell you that anything we are going to tell you, you would learn from a well-executed Google search. Okay?”

I nodded and accepted the wine glass Graham had been clutching. “Alright.”

“Anderson is living in his parents’ home. He has been for years. He doesn’t date and is never seen with the same woman more than once. In the last few years, he has gone to great pains to not be photographed with any women at all.”

“Why would he be photographed?” Swallowing my sip of wine, I felt a tinge of guilt for even inquiring.

“Anderson is the only son of a multi-billionaire. He’s one of the city’s most sought after bachelors.” Soraya blurted out in disbelief.

“What? Anderson? He works for you.” My volume increased with each word.

“He does. He was at one of the most prestigious law firms in the city for a while. Actually, had he stayed, he would have been on track to be one of the country’s youngest judges.”

“What happened?”

Graham glanced at Soraya. She continued, “Anderson gave up a very promising career after a relationship ended. From what Graham has said, he could have opened his own business in any area but wanted to learn from the best.”

“Soraya, I never said that.”

“It’s true.” She blew her husband a kiss.

“Anyway, he wanted to start over in a different area and, somehow, Morgan Financial Holdings came up on his radar. He’s been with us for three years, and I ask him annually if he is ready to go off on his own.”

“I don’t understand why any of this matters. No offense, but–”

“He doesn’t see the same woman more than once, ever. And…”

“Anderson has never taken a woman to his parents’ home. He entertains at his place and–”

“Never have a woman in his bed and never stick around for morning coffee,” I recalled the truths from the first time I met Anderson on what I thought was a blind date.

The text alert on my phone sounded, startling me. Reading the name, I froze.

“What’s wrong?” Soraya asked.

Turning my phone to allow her to read the name, she smiled. “Interesting. Are you going to read it?”

Anderson - You should have stayed.



“Good morning.” I almost sang as I climbed into the backseat of the town car.

“Morning, Boss. Any stops before the office this morning?” Markus already confirmed the day’s appointments with Martin, but I appreciated the inquiry.

“Not this morning.” My mind was lost in what Jurnee might wear today when my mother’s face flashed on my phone to alert an incoming call. I rolled my eyes as I diverted the call.

“Lots of traffic this morning. Might be a few minutes.” Markus lifted his coffee mug.

“No meeting. All good.”

In truth, I was eager to see Jurnee. In an effort to not appear as stalker-ish, I didn’t call her yesterday. I spent a few hours Sunday evening researching the ideas we talked about as we laid in my bed. Holding her in my arms as she slept, I wished I could delay the sun from coming up. It wasn’t until I was halfway to the office that I began questioning what I was doing and if she was playing me. That’s when it hit me: she never returned my text the day before.

Martin held out a cup of coffee as I approached his desk. “Graham wants to see you in his office immediately.”

My stride wasn’t going to be deterred by anyone. I needed to see Jurnee. I needed to let her know I was ready to be all-in. No more dodging the press. No more being careful not to be seen entering a restaurant with her. I want to be with Jurnee.

“She’s not here.”

That stopped me in my tracks. I pivoted and walked back to his desk. “Explain.”

“Sorry, Anderson. There really isn’t anything to explain. She and Alan left to go look at potential store locations.” Martin leaned back in his chair.


Martin’s eyebrows went up, and he picked up his coffee cup, possibly to put something between the two of us.

“Graham would like to

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