Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,44

chair behind me so I could take my seat. I placed my head between my legs and took several deep breaths.

“You won. Like you took all of our money. I’m not sure what you’re upset about.” Otis said before he went to the kitchen for another beer. “Like completely wiped us out.”

“So, not the point.” I declared as I petted Rover under the chin like I’d watch Eric do earlier in the evening.

“It’s minus the buy-in you owe Anderson for letting you sit at the table.” He organized the chips in a box pulled from the bag on his chair.

Straightening up, I gathered a few of the bottles off the table. “Whatever. I’m not taking forty-grand.”

“Fifty grand, you can keep the ante. Linda can get that in the morning.”

I froze and looked up at the three grown men staring back at me, “And so can we since we were the adults that drank them.”

Bryan said, “Who are you?”

Anderson stood and grabbed the bowl of chips, “I’ve been asking that same question since I met her.”



“Let me take you home.” Jurnee looked beautiful in the morning light that beamed through the open door. I was annoyed she insisted on leaving. The poker game had ended late, so she had agreed to stay the night. For the second night in a row, I held her as she slept.

“It will take forever to take me home and get back. Besides, I’m a city girl now. I’m getting better at the train thing.”

“How about we compromise? Markus can take you, then I’ll know you made it safely.”

“I’ll be fine.” Jurnee stood on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I’ll see you on Monday at the office. Go enjoy your friends. I get the feeling you have some explaining to do.”

My eyes closed, and I rested my forehead against hers. This desire for Jurnee to stay was completely the opposite of what I had felt in my last relationship. Back then, I insisted my poker weekends were off-limits to her. Alone time was also built into my weekly schedule. Karma’s a bitch.

I sighed, “You’re a stubborn lady. Just so we are clear.”

Her lips pressed against mine. I pulled her body to mine and deepened the kiss. Sucking on her lower lip, begging for them to part so our tongues could meet again. Making out with Jurnee was quickly becoming one of my favorite past times.

She pressed her hands on my chest and pulled away. My eyes opened to see her face light up from a smile. “If we start that, I’m not going to leave.”

“That was my intent.” The words surprised us both. “I meant–”

“Go! Hangout with your friends and tell them I’m sorry I beat them so badly last night.” Her hair fell over her eyes as she laughed.

I watched her stroll down the walk and turn to look at the house. Her hand covered her lips, and her gaze traveled up the height of the house. She smiled to herself and shook her head. I chuckled as she took two steps in one direction, then turned and went the opposite direction toward the subway stop. Jurnee was out of sight before I closed the door.

Entering the kitchen, Otis and Bryan sat around the island sipping coffee. Eric leaned against the counter on the opposite side of the room. As usual, the three had crashed in what had become their rooms on the third floor. My parents’ home had room enough for all four of us to have space and not feel anyone was invading. The unspoken ‘no female’ rule had been broken. Jurnee was right, I had some explaining to do.

“Should I begin?” Eric set his glass of grapefruit juice on the island and leaned over. “Do we or do we not have an agreement about introducing females to the group?”

“We do.” I was going to need more coffee for this conversation.

“I don’t think she knew who we were,” Bryan chimed in.

“Did you hear him humming his songs during the game?” Otis asked, hitting the island as he continued laughing. “What kind of music do you listen to?”

Bryan glared, “I saw your face when she recognized Eric from his signs around the city. Man, I think she is the first woman to be in Otis’ presence to not know who he is. At. All.”

“Until she sells pictures of all of you from last night that we didn’t even see her take.” Eric’s skepticism was showing.

“I can assure you Jurnee didn’t

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