Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,42

was only supposed to be one coffee shop, Latte Love.”

“Not the best name, but congratulations on the partnership. Anderson says they’re going to get you in three to five locations by this time next year.”

“What?” I struggled to catch a breath. “A year. I didn’t…”

Eric shrugged and handed me a beer. I instantly placed him.

“You’re the sign guy. Construction sites or something.” It relieved me to figure it out because it would have bugged me.

Eric smirked at the friend with the dark brown hair and pretty light hazel eyes whose name I can’t remember while the one named Otis doubled over in laughter. I didn’t feel like they were laughing at me, but I was definitely missing out on an inside joke.

“So, Jurnee, what kind of music do you listen to?” I stared at his goatee that looked too perfectly trimmed to be an afterthought.

“I’m pretty fluid with music. I like songs more that remind me of memories. You know what I mean? I’m sorry, what’s your name again?”

“Bryan.” He emphasized his name before looking over at Otis in alarm, who continued to shuffle the cards.

“Memories… I don’t get it, not even a little.” Otis placed his bottle on the table like he was not ashamed to admit it. His build was like the others, but Otis’ face was what some experts would call chiseled. His short brown hair made his bright blue eyes stand out. His best feature, and the one that stood out the most, was his confidence. He was exactly where he was supposed to be, and he owned the space.

“It means I’m horrible with song names and artists. I’m one of those that make up the words I think I hear.” Eric got up laughing and headed to the kitchen.

“Did she answer the question because that was a lot of words.” The guys chuckled, and they passed another look among them, making me feel like I was still missing something.

“So, I’m guessing this is a really awkward moment on levels that I’m not even aware of.” Someone had to say it.

“You have no idea.” The one with a goatee thumbed the stack of poker chips. “It’s what songs are written about.”

Otis pointed at Bryan and chuckled. “You are so pathetic.”

“So pathetic.” Eric confirmed as he returned with a beer and a shot.

“What are you guys playing tonight?” I turned the beer up, expecting the thick kind that you just about need a fork to drink. Much to my surprise, it was light and had a low citrus taste.

“Five card–”

“This is delicious.” The heat of all eyes being on me dragged my focus from the beer bottle. “What?”

Rover squealed, making me turn and look. Anderson walked in with a huge grin on his face as he bent down to greet his pig.

“Am I the woman from the emergency call at three in the morning?” His friends were statues.

“You are.” He looked over at his friends and then back at me, “Sorry I’m late. I ran to Chinatown to get you a sampling of my favorite Chinese. I see you met my best friends in the world. You’re the first woman I’ve ever brought here to meet them.”



His words went into a loop in my mind. First woman. His friends. Breathe. I took a quick sip of my beer. “Should we play?”

Laughter broke out between his friends, and Anderson planted a quick kiss on me. “You still weren’t feeling well earlier. Are you sure you’re up for beer and Chinese?”

“Are you kidding? Cards, beer, and takeout are the world’s best medicine.” I whispered not so quietly into Anderson’s ear, “I didn’t know there was a game and didn’t bring any cash. Can you cover me?”

Wide-eyed, Anderson laughed, “You sure? They won’t take it easy on you just because…”

“Because I’m a girl?” I huffed.

“I was going to say because you’re here with me.” He pointed toward the floor, “Rover, down.”

The pig, who had placed his front feet on the edge of Anderson’s chair, dropped back down to all fours. I stared as Rover made his way to Eric. He really has a pig.

Eric chuckled as he reached down to scratch Rovers chin, “The girl part is irrelevant to us as well.”

Cracking my knuckles, I stretched my arms above my head. I knew I would obsess about his phrase ‘with me’ later, but it was time for my game face, “Deal me in.”

“I’ve got a problem I need to take care of.” Eric put his shot in front of Otis,

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