Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,25

a real estate agent. I’m incredibly proud of her, but she can just be a lot. I’ve lived in Lansing all my life, and I know like five people. Donna makes it a point to know everyone and be known by everyone.”

“I get that.” He said in a hushed voice.

“Do you have siblings?”

“Two older sisters.” He nodded. “They’re ten years older than me. Twins.”

“Wow, ten years’ difference. Are you guys close?”

He thought for a moment. Before he answered my question, Delia returned with large wine glasses for each of us. “I hope white is okay. I guess I should have asked before I poured it.”

“White is perfect for me. Thank you.” I accepted the offered wineglass with a smile.

Delia sat in the chair Soraya had occupied. We waved to Chloe as Graham and Soraya walked her through the apartment and down to the lobby. Before I knew it, Anderson sat down next to me and, again, stretched his arm across the back of the sofa. His fingers caressed my shoulder. Everything inside me told me that getting close to Anderson was not a good idea, but my attraction to him had grown during our afternoon together.

“Jurnee, Soraya tells me you are exploring the dating scene here in the city. How’s that going?”

Anderson tensed and withdraw his arm from around me. He turned his body to face me and crossed his long leg over one another.

“Dating in New York… two. Jurnee… zero. I’ve had two dates scheduled and been stood up both times.” Jokingly, I added, “After the second time, I wonder if they are showing up, taking a look at me, and fleeing.”

“That’s not it at all. Guaranteed.” Anderson asserted angrily.

Delia watched us over her wineglass as Soraya and Graham returned. Graham handed his wife a glass of wine and placed a baby monitor on the coffee table in front of the love seat where he pulled his wife into him.

“What about Marco?” Delia’s eyebrows shot up like she had just had come up with a million-dollar idea.

“I think–”

“Marco!” Soraya interrupted me, leaning toward Delia. “That’s a great idea.”

Anderson’s arm made its way to the back of the sofa again. This time his fingers rested on my shoulder. When I stole a glance in his direction, his teeth were clenched. He focused on Delia as she spoke.

“Tig and I had dinner with him a few days ago.” Delia bounced in her seat with excitement as she continued. “He isn’t seeing anyone at the moment. Soraya, do you think they’d hit it off?”

Running my fingers through the ends of my hair, I stole another glance at Anderson. “Maybe–”

“Yes!” Soraya set her wine on the coffee table, ignoring the fact I was trying to speak. “Marco would be perfect for Jurnee. You should invite him over.”

Graham put his hands in the air to stop the conversation. “First, we are not inviting that guy over tonight. No. Second, you should consider discussing this idea with Jurnee before planning the wedding.”

Soraya turned her head and planted a quick kiss on Graham. “You’re so cute, Babe. You know I’m more of a ‘let’s get his name tattooed on your ass to celebrate the wedding’ kind of woman.”

She and Delia cracked up. Graham just stared at Soraya while Anderson was full-on glaring at Delia.

“Okay.” Soraya regained her composure and turned to look at me as I drank the last of my wine in a gulp, “Jurnee, all kidding aside, Marco is a really nice guy. He is kind, hardworking, and extremely good-looking–”

“Hey!” Graham interrupted. “I’m sitting right here.”

“I know, Babe. You are much better looking.”

“Fine. Continue.”

Soraya caressed her husband’s hand that rested on her thigh, “Marco is a really nice guy. I’m positive he won’t stand you up–”

“Maybe we should go out on a date.” Anderson tossed out matter-of-factly. “Sort of like practice dating.”

I had no idea what to say.



I didn’t have a history of allowing words to fly out of my mouth before I could filter them. Since Jurnee had crashed into my booth, everything was different. The blush on Jurnee’s face was undeniable. Maybe I’m not off base with this idea.

“We had fun today with Chloe. I’m not seeing anyone. You said the reason for being on the website was to practice. Why do that with a–” I looked over at Delia, “–stranger?”

“Are you serious, Anderson?” Soraya asked.

“Baby.” Graham placed his hand on her chin and turned her toward him.

“What? We just need to clarify. If Delia texts Marco–”

“Yes. I am.”

Graham leaped to his

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