Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,23

interested in a boyfriend, Jurnee?”

The question hit me like ten hard slaps across my face. I forced the bite down my throat and glanced at Anderson. I glared at him, which made the grin turn into a laugh. “I am only in New York for a short time.”

“That really didn’t answer her question, now did it, Chloe?”

Chloe shook her head no and continued to eat her sandwich. I placed the half of the sandwich I was holding back on the plate. Okay. This isn’t fun.

“Chloe, I would love to find someone to fall in love with, but that’s not always easy to do.”

“That’s what my mom says. She actually says men are players, and it’s about time women do it too.”

Anderson’s eyebrows shot up as his mouth dropped open. I don’t think either of us knew what to say. We didn’t need to, as Chloe continued.

“When I asked what a player is, both Soraya and my mom said Anderson. What’s a player?”

“Check, please.” Anderson’s hand went in the air, “Chloe, let’s go get you a Birkin.”

“Um k.”

Chloe seemed satisfied without hearing what a player was, but I really wanted to know what she was talking about. Though I didn’t love being in the hot seat for Chloe’s questions, I loved watching her make Anderson squirm. This kid is freaking amazing!

Anderson nodded, and I turned to find Markus at the door of the restaurant. “Ladies, why don’t you head out to the car with Markus while I take care of the bill. There may be a bit of a surprise waiting for you.”

Chloe was up and out of the booth, heading for a smiling Markus before I could reply. I grabbed my purse and began to slide out, “I guess we will be in the car.”

“I’ll be right there.” Anderson winked as the waitress approached with the bill and a flirty smile.

A twinge of jealousy shot through me as I walked away, hearing him chat with her up. Wow, player is super accurate. And, J, why the hell do you even care?



“Dad!” Chloe shouted as we entered Graham and Soraya’s apartment. “We’re home!”

Soraya walked into the living room wearing jeans and a t-shirt, her hair tied back, and a huge grin on her face. “I hear that, kiddo.”

Chloe ran into her arms and gave her a big hug. “Anderson bought me a new bag. He tried to buy one for Jurnee, but she wouldn’t let him.”

“Because I don’t need a thousand-dollar handbag.” I readjusted my twenty-two dollar purse over my shoulder.

“That was very nice of him. Did you say thank you?”

“She did. Several times, in fact.” Anderson sat down on the sofa, seeming very proud of himself.

Chloe held out her phone to Soraya, “Will you take our picture?”

“I can take it, Chloe.” I moved toward my new friend.

“You have to be in the picture.” She plopped down next to Anderson and patted the sofa next to her. “Sit here, Jurnee.”

Slowly, I lowered myself down next to Chloe. Anderson crossed his long legs and stretched his arm across the back of the sofa. I glanced over to him, and he tilted his head. “You okay?” His fingers lightly caressed my shoulder.

Dear God, please help me not fall for this gorgeous man. He will break me.

I nodded and gave him a smile.

“Ready? One. Two.” Soraya snapped the picture, and Chloe bounced up when Graham called her from somewhere in the condo.

Anderson tapped my shoulder, and we looked at each other. It took Soraya clearing her throat before we broke the stare.

“Listen, you two.” She sat in the chair across from the sofa. “As a thank you for helping with Chloe this afternoon, I’d like to invite you both to stay for dinner. My friend, Delia, is coming over and, Jurnee, I really want you to meet her.”

Anderson’s phone began vibrating like mad.

“It must be five o’clock already,” Soraya said as she sat back in her chair.

I checked my watch. “One minute after five.”

“Yeah, the world’s clock could be set by Anderson’s phone going off at five.” Anderson shook his head. The vibrating stopped, and I watched him slide his phone back into his jacket pocket. “Have you heard about Anderson’s nightly text rule?”

“We don’t need to do this now, do we?” He pleaded.

I giggled, “I’ve heard of his two life rules, but I don’t know about the text one.”

“Anderson restricts his ladies to contacting him between 5pm and, what is it, 7pm?”

“Six and not my ladies.”

“Right. Right. Women are allowed to text him

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