Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,18

you go to school?”

The look of shock on Anderson’s face was undeniable. “What?”

“I just assumed you Googled me.”

“Why would I Google you? Are you famous?”

We both stared at one another until the waiter interrupted with our meals. I didn’t want to look away, but I did. First.



My mornings in the pool were normally relaxing, but Jurnee Messer ruined any chance of a relaxing swim. No matter what I tried, different conversations crisscrossed my thoughts like trains trying to let an unscheduled train disembark. A hot mess.

Flopping onto the lounge chair, I closed my eyes under the towel draped over my head. I took deep breaths. It was the first time in a very long time, I couldn’t turn off my thoughts. The biggest and fastest train going through my mind was the one with a sign on the front. You’re an asshole!

Picking up my phone, I checked for messages. Nothing. Why would you think there would be something? I hovered over Otis’ name in my favorites.

Linda stuck her head inside the pool area. “Coffee or green smoothie this morning?”

“Coffee,” I pressed the FaceTime button and dried my face with the towel.

“You’d fucking better be dying.” He barked as his face appeared on my screen after picking up on the third ring.

“I did a shitty thing yesterday.” It was killing me, and Otis was the safest person to reveal my secret too.

The bed creaked, and I waited as he climbed out of bed. “Talk.”

“Remember the woman that crashed my booth last week and showed up at Morgan for a meeting the next day?”


“We were having a meeting yesterday, and she left the room to go to the bathroom or somewhere.” I laid my head back against the chair and took a deep breath.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now, Anderson? Out with it.” Otis’ face was illuminated by the light from his refrigerator.

“Hold on. I’m getting there.” There was nothing left for me to do. I exhaled and spit it out. “A text came into her phone while she wasn’t in the room. It was a guy confirming their blind date for later that night.” I paused. “Otis?”

“I’m listening.” He had something in his mouth.

“I replied to the text and canceled the date. Then I deleted it.”

Silence. There was a thud, and his picture went dark.


“What? Fuck!” The screen returned to Otis’ face. “I’m trying to figure out what to ask or say.”

The sound of a chair scraping over the floor made me move the phone further away.

“I know.” I tossed the used towels in the basket and headed for the elevator.

“Anderson, what’s going on with this female?” I said nothing. “Are you interested in her?”

“Fuck, man. I have no idea.” The elevator doors closed, and I banged my head against the cold metal. “Maybe it’s seeing how happy Bryan is with Faith. This woman does something to me. You know I don’t date, let alone go ‘out’ out.”

“True.” He cleared his throat, “So, if you are attracted to her, then I can understand why you’d cockblock this guy, but if you aren’t interested, what the fuck?”

“We went to dinner.” I had to get it all out onto the table.


“Jurnee and me.”

“How did you go from canceling her date to having dinner with her?”


“Hold on.”

The screen flashed paused as Otis placed me on hold. As I stepped off on the second floor, I heard Rover’s toenails tapping on the wood floor as he came to greet me. As I pet him, the smell of coffee hit all of my senses and drew me the rest of the way to the kitchen. As I poured a cup of coffee, my screen divided into four smaller images.

“What did he do that for?” A groggy voice asked as I saw Bryan’s face still laying on a pillow.

I rolled my eyes, “Hi, Bryan.”

“Pussy!” Eric huffed as he continued to run on his treadmill.

Otis announced, “Okay. We can continue.”

“Thanks, Otis. I’m so glad this has turned into a group call.” I sat down at the far side of the island and reached down to scratch Rover.

“We’re here for you, Dude.” He chuckled.

Eric chimed in out of breath, “What the fuck is going on with this girl?”

“Man, I wish I knew.” Closing my eyes, Jurnee’s sad face popped into my head. “She thinks she’s been stood up by two different guys in the city.”

“So?” Eric’s treadmill beeped, and he transitioned from jogging to a fast walk.

“She looked so sad.”

“Okay. I’m going to need you to start from

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