Mister Manhattan (Cocky Hero Club) - Alexandria Sure Page 0,12

you know she’s a football fan? To be fair, she’s a college football fan. Michigan State, I think, is the school she went to. I don’t know it could be Michigan.”



“Can we go over the day and stop raving about Jurnee Messer? Who, for the record, is a little too cheerful and can be argumentative.”


“Do not give me ‘huh.’ She’s a potential new client, and I find her a little annoying.”

“No offense, Boss,” Martin chuckled. “You could use a little annoying in your life.”

I pulled up my schedule to find my day’s appointments replaced with Jurnee Messer and Latte Love. “Did the budget meeting get postponed?”

Grinning from ear to ear, Martin explained. “Sadie emailed me to clear your schedule and book a conference room for the Latte Love project.”

“Stop saying Latte Love,” I ran my fingers through my hair. “That’s a stupid name for a coffee shop.”

“I thought it’s going to be a chain of coffee–”


We both froze. Jurnee was standing outside my office at Martin’s desk. “Shit, do you think she heard us?” I whispered. Why am I whispering?

“I’m not sure. Why are we whispering?” I glared at him. “Hey Jurnee, we’re in here.”

I sat back in my chair and straightened my tie. I could feel Martin watching me. Could I get away with punching the grin off my assistant’s face? Shit.

Jurnee walked in, wearing what looked like an olive-colored men’s shirt, paired with rust-colored slacks that showed her beige pointy high heels when she walked. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail displaying her long, elegant neck. Shit. Shit. I adjusted in my chair and ordered my cock down.

She stood in the doorway with a perky smile. When her eyes met mine, the smile on her face faded away. I didn’t like that she had that reaction from seeing me.

Before I could say anything, Martin spoke up. “Thanks again for bringing in the coffee and bagels. Anderson had another one of his crazy long weekends, so the coffee is a lifesaver. Isn’t it, Boss?”

Mental note… fire Martin later.

I set the coffee down I had just picked up. “Yes, thank you for bringing in bagels and coffee. Are you ready to get started?”

“Technically, Jurnee’s been ready to get started for…” Martin checked his watch. “An hour. Are you ready, Boss?”

Yep, he is so getting fired later.

“Anderson, take your time. I’ll wait in the conference room.” Her cheerfulness this morning was rubbing me the wrong way. Again, my cock flinched. “Martin, I wondered if you’d like the last bagel? I wanted to clean up before we started our meeting.”

“Last bagel?”

“Normally, I would never eat a second bagel.” He looked right at me and continued, “But today I will make an exception. Thank you.”

“See you in there, and, please, don’t hurry on my account.” Jurnee almost sang the words as she turned and walked out. “I’m leaving it on your desk.”

“Thanks again,” Martin said as he watched me.

“You’re fired.”

Martin threw his head back in laughter. “Careful, one might get the impression that you like our new partner, Jurnee Messer.”

“Shhhhh. Do you want her to hear you?” I got up and grabbed the folders Martin had prepared for my day with the coffee queen. “No legal pad?”

“There are several in the conference room. Along with a couple of your pens. Is there anything else I can get you? You know, besides a sexy partner to work with?”

“I swear to Christ you are so fired later.”

“Ha. I look forward to it, Boss.”

Grabbing the cup of coffee, I made my way to the small conference room. The Morgan Financial Holdings office took up the entire twenty-second floor of the building, and the small conference room was on the opposite side of the floor. Graham stepped out of one office and greeted me with his typical head nod.

“How’s it going with Jurnee?”

“So far, so good. We’re just starting for the day in the small conference room.”

We continued the walk, “She had dinner with Soraya last night.”


“Yeah, Soraya is all-in for Jurnee. Even more than before she spent time with her. Make sure you lock her down on this project. I do not want Jurnee running to my wife, saying she didn’t get the deal she wanted.”

“That shouldn’t be too difficult.”

He stopped, “Why is that?”

“When I told her you decided to partner with her, she was stunned. From what I understand, she came to New York for the experience because she didn’t think there was a chance in hell that you would be interested

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