Mister Baller - Cassie-Ann L. Miller Page 0,94

small as I force myself to meet both of their gazes. Lucas’s demeanor is making me nervous. His hand absently rubs his wife’s back, but he doesn't utter a single word.

“What happened, Iris? Did you see what happened?” Diana questions, begging to know more.

I was afraid of this. God. This is why I was hoping for some solid updates before they arrived.

I called Lexi as soon as we got to the hospital, and she passed the information along to the family quickly. Once they know that this is all my fault, they’re going to kick me out onto my ass. I’m responsible for this.

But I can’t lie to them. This is their son.

“It’s his knee,” I squeak. Jude’s dad smacks his hand against the wall hard and turns, dropping into a seat nearby. “We were at a bar, and there was a fight, and he got kicked.” I angrily swipe at a couple traitorous tears. “I’m so, so sorry.”

Diana squeezes my hands. “Dear, this isn’t your fault. We’ll get through this. He will get through this.”

No one dares mention that ‘this’ could very well be the end to Jude’s lifelong dream.

“It was Kirk,” I confess shakily. “It was my ex-husband who kicked him.”

“W-what?” Diana peers at me through wet eyelashes.

The room grows silent. It seems that even the other occupants of the waiting area are suddenly interested in the tragic calamity my life has become.

I can’t meet Diana’s eyes. “We were at the bar. And Kirk showed up out of nowhere. He cornered me. Jude intervened and there was a scuffle. Jude tried to walk away…” I drop my head and shake it. Tears course down my face. In my mind’s eye, I keep seeing Kirk brutally tackling Jude to the ground. In the brief moment before that, I witnessed the raw anger on Jude’s face, but he was strong enough to try and leave. To be the bigger man. “He tried to walk away. And then Kirk attacked him. Kicked him in the knee.”

A pained sound tears from Diana’s throat. “What?”

Lucas’s arms come around her in time, right as her legs give out under her. He walks her across the room and seats her in a chair.

The waiting room’s atmosphere remains cold, sterile, and hushed while we wait. I hear only the sound of Diana’s whimpers against her husband’s chest.

I feel absolutely helpless. Powerless. Weak. Flashbacks of Jude on the ground, howling and clutching his knee, hit me on repeat. Again and again, I’m assaulted by the image of the man I love in so much pain.

And what’s the point in denying it now? It’s never been clearer to me.

I love that man.

I. Love. Him.

He’s noble and caring and protective, and he didn’t deserve this shit.

The way he treats me, the way he’s helped me grow. He’s taken care of me, he’s made me stronger. But right now, I feel entirely undeserving of that.

So what if he was the one who slid the pictures under my dorm room door? So what if he wanted to tear Kirk and me apart? I may not have all the details of what happened that night so many years ago, but one thing is obvious right now, Kirk and I never belonged together. Jude was always supposed to be mine. I wish we’d both had the clarity back then to step up and claim each other.

I just hope he still feels that way when I finally get behind those hospital doors and wrap my arms around him.

Cannon and Lexi arrive next, and I have to repeat my story. I’m still shaky, but the adrenaline has worn off. I’m left feeling exhausted and nauseous. Lexi guides me to a grouping of chairs, holding my hand and trying to get me to relax.

“This isn’t your fault.”

“He’ll be okay.”

“Jude’s a Kingston. They’re the strongest people I know.”

Cannon is pacing the floor from end to end in a rage. I hear him on the phone with his lawyer. “Frank, you need to find this Kirk Bunting fucker and you need to deal with him. Because if I get my hands on the man…” He stops pacing to growl. “If I get my hands on him, you’ll be defending me against murder charges.”

My eyes keep bouncing up and down the hall, in search of medical personnel. What is taking them so long? Why haven’t we heard from the doctor?

By the time Walker storms in, my nerves are absolutely fried. Thankfully, I don’t have to repeat the night’s events

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