Mister Baller - Cassie-Ann L. Miller Page 0,50

hands. “Okay, now start at the beginning.”

My fingers twist up together. “Well, I was out on this really horrible date,” I begin.

“Yeah, Cannon told me all about your little date, you sneaky thing.” She folds her arms and snakes her neck at me.

I shoo her away, flapping both hands in the air. “The guy started getting really weird, Lexi. Really weird. And then, next thing I know, Jude was at my table and he was all, ‘Are you gonna leave or are we gonna have a problem here?’” I do a terrible imitation of my roommate’s deep, sexy voice.

Lexi makes an impatient, speed it up motion with her hands. “And then the loser ran out of there with his tail tucked and then…?”

“Then, Jude took me home. And I was so embarrassed, I ran out of the car without my phone and locked myself in my bedroom. And then he knocked and gave me my phone back…”

Lexi is leaning toward me like a kid at story time. “And then?”

“Well, I kissed his cheek.” I flinch. “And then, he kissed my mouth.” I flinch again. “Just a little kiss. I think he surprised himself when he did it. And then…I attacked him. With my tongue. I mounted my poor roommate like a raunchy equestrian and practically tried to devour his face.”

My friend is fanning her cheeks. “Oh, I am loving this new, take-charge version of Miss Iris Merlini!”

“No, this is bad,” I groan. “Very bad. I lost control and behaved like a fool. He regretted it. I regretted it. And now things are gonna be even more awkward between us.” I’m red-faced and rambling.

“Oh, boo. Don’t apologize. You’ve been repressed too long. It’s time you get your freak on. Let that freak flag fly!”

“It was a mistake, Alexia.” I’m trying to convince myself just as much as I’m trying to convince her.

Lexi is smirking, focused on fluffing up a vintage fur stole hanging on a mannequin near the cash register. “He initiated it, Iris.”

“By accident.”

“So, he just fell and his tongue landed in your mouth? Give me a break. The man is hot for you. He said it himself over dinner that night. Embrace that shit…” She gives me a wink. “…and embrace that dick!”

I cross my arms on the cool glass counter and drop my head. “You should have seen the look on his face, Lexi. After I crawled off his body like some sex-crazed—” I search for an appropriate word. “—creature!” I bang my forehead a few times for good measure. “Jude Kingston is not attracted to me. Have you seen the women he hooks up with?”

She braces me by the shoulders and pushes me into an upright position. “I have seen them, and believe me when I say they have nothing on you, Iris.” Her gaze softens. “Your self-esteem needs some work because you were with a loser who didn’t fuck you for two years since he was too busy dipping his stick in pools that were most likely infested with crabs.” I flinch at her analogy. “That was his loss, and had nothing to do with you.” Lexi cradles my face in her cold hands. “Iris, you deserve to be happy. You deserve to feel great about yourself and have a little sexy time with your hot roommate.”

Before I can respond to her comment, a delivery guy comes through the front door carrying the biggest bouquet of lavender, wax flowers and white roses. “Delivery for Alexia Kingston,” the man announces as he approaches the desk.

When he sets down the flowers, she discreetly checks the card and blushes on a private smile. She hands the man a tip from her register and he goes along on his way.

“Wow! These are beautiful, Lex.” I lean forward and enjoy the fresh sweet scent of the flowers.

“Aren’t they? Cannon makes sure I get a new bouquet every day for the shop.” She grins. “He had them delivered today since he left town on business this morning. I love them so much.” She sighs. “Too bad the florist is going out of business.”

“They are?” I thumb the leaf of a rose.

“Yes, I spoke to the owner a few days ago. They’re retiring. They’re closing up soon unless they get a buyer to take it off their hands. I’m gonna miss them.” She motions toward the bouquet. “In any case, this is what we deserve, Iris. Men who go out of their way to make us feel special. You settled for Kirk for

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