The Mistake (Bad Bridesmaids #1) - Noelle Adams Page 0,27

would go unnoticed. “Well, I’m telling you, and you can tell them, that there’s nothing to worry about. I appreciate the cake, but I don’t need charitable offerings. I’m fine.”

“If you’re fine, that’s good. But you might as well just tell us what’s going on, or you’re going to keep getting surprise visits and sundry baked goods.”

“Nothing is going on,” he muttered, taking a pinch of the cake and popping it into his mouth, mostly for something to do.

It was delicious, but he wasn’t in the mood to really enjoy it right now. He loved Taylor, but he wished she would go away so he could go back to doomscrolling and grumbling about the news.

“Well, I’m sorry, but we don’t believe you.” Taylor sighed and leaned against the counter, taking a long swallow of her water before she continued, not meeting his eyes, “Did you get your heart broken or something?”

He jerked. “What? No. Of course not.”

“Are you sure? Because you’re acting like you got your heart broken. It’s fine if you did. Everyone does eventually. We just want to help.” She still wasn’t looking at him. He knew his niece—she’d rather have a root canal than share feelings.

Robert didn’t like it either. He began instinctively, “I’m not acting like—” He broke off the unconvincing defense before he completed it since he knew it would get nowhere. “I’m telling you you’re misinterpreting things. I haven’t had a serious relationship since college. Or ever really. I’m not in the position to get my heart broken.”

“Yeah, I know. But sometimes it happens anyway.” She gave him a quick glance before looking down at her water. “Was it Amanda?” she asked, almost swallowing over the words.

He jerked again, sloshing the scotch in the glass he’d carried with him into the kitchen. “What did she tell you?” he asked softly. Slowly.

“Nothing. She really didn’t. I promise. I just noticed a few things. You’ve always stared at her a lot. And she’s acting weird too, and I... Oh shit. This is awkward as hell, and I’m no good at it at all, but you’re family, Uncle Robert. And we’re all worried about you. So if she... I’m sorry if things didn’t work out.”

He could tell how uncomfortable she was with this whole situation. Just as uncomfortable as he was.

He was relieved Amanda hadn’t made their night together the subject of gossip among her friends, although he hadn’t really thought she would. But the fact that Taylor had picked up on something anyway concerned him.

He didn’t want anyone knowing what had happened.

He didn’t want anyone recognizing that he was still brooding about her, thinking about that night, wishing it could happen again.

He didn’t want anyone realizing that the reason he hadn’t been dating was because he didn’t want anyone other than Amanda.

He didn’t want anyone seeing into his soul.

He’d made one attempt the day after their night together to see if she’d be open for more, but her response to his text—while thoughtful—hadn’t offered any hint that she wanted to see him again. That had been his one possibility. If she’d made it clear she wanted more. Since she hadn’t, he wasn’t going to throw away everything he’d always believed about life and open himself up to getting hurt.

This whole thing already hurt enough.

He’d not been out and about, so he hadn’t seen her around. But there was a wedding coming up in a few weeks that he knew she’d be attending. He was invited too, and he’d been planning to go, but he was torn now about whether he should.

He couldn’t hide from her forever, however. It would be easier to just get the first encounter over with. He wouldn’t put her on the spot. He wouldn’t act like he was hoping for more from her. He’d act like his normal self—cool and distant and unconcerned—and they’d both go back to business as usual.

That was what he should do, and after the wedding it would all be easier.

“Nothing important happened,” he told Taylor, clearly and with his typical composure. He felt better now that he’d made that decision. “My heart isn’t broken. I promise.”

She peered at his face. “Really? Then why did you stop dating?”

“I don’t know. I just haven’t been in the mood. I’m taking a break for a while, but I’m really fine.”

“Okay. I hope so. I just wanted to...” She shook her head roughly. “I just wanted to say that Amanda is amazing. And I know she’s my friend and it’s a Copyright 2016 - 2024