The Missing Piece - Catherine Miller Page 0,83

to me about Clive. It was then that we vowed to help. It was when we became your guardians, I guess,’ she said, looking at Clive.

‘Guardian angels, you mean. I don’t know where I’d be without you both.’ Between them, Keisha and George had managed to box up all of Clive’s belongings, which were now in storage. An estate agent had been over to take pictures once Clive’s paraphernalia was safely out of the way. Now they were just waiting for a sale and that would be another thing sorted.

‘That’s a darn sight more than what usually happens in a fortnight here. I’m never leaving this place again,’ Lucy declared, while spraying a few cake crumbs over the floor for good measure.

For the rest of the afternoon, Clive did everything he could to make sure Lucy was okay. She was a complete contrast to Keisha, far more relaxed, and as a result, far more haphazard. But also keenly astute, taking note of all the small changes he’d made.

‘People can hear your smile. Good one, Clive,’ she noted when she took her only call of the afternoon.

Keisha seemed far away and, most unlike her, she kept checking her phone. She was doing so more frequently than she took her pulse so that was saying something.

The first of the afternoon’s study participants arrived and making tea was good therapy as always. The talk of George was making Clive think about the flat he was going to be moving into soon. He’d put in an offer, which had been accepted, and now all the various searches were done, his solicitor had said he was in a position to go and sign for it, but he’d been delaying. He’d been convincing himself it was because of the attitude of the salesman. After the treatment they’d received when they’d been shown round, he didn’t want to make it easy for them by handing over all the money they required. But there was a difference between attempting to teach someone a lesson and shooting oneself in the foot. If he didn’t get a move on he’d be in danger of losing his new home. There weren’t any others near his beloved allotment so it would be foolish to miss out on this one.

It wasn’t that stopping him, though. It was the fact he couldn’t work out what had gone wrong there. Perhaps if he spoke to the new allotment holders they might remember what he didn’t.

Clive went to talk to Keisha about it and noticed she’d hardly touched her cake. It would have gone dry by now. ‘When you get a chance, can you see when George is free for me? I’d like to visit the allotment. Maybe spend a few hours there sorting it if the weather is nice enough.’

‘Is this another attempt to steer me towards seeing George? Because you do know you can contact him from the mobile Rob got for you if you want to.’

‘I don’t know how to use that fandangled thing. Whenever I attempt to do something I end up doing the wrong thing.’

‘If it’s not a ruse, I’ll send George a message and see when he’s free.’

‘Thank you,’ Clive said. ‘Is everything okay? You looked a bit pale when you were chatting to him earlier.’ Lucy was busy whistling into the fridge and it seemed a convenient time to ask.

Keisha gulped and nodded. ‘They might have a case study number six for me.’

‘Well that’s good, isn’t it? Unless they’re allergic to beetroots of course!’

‘Yes, it’s great.’

‘I guess they’ll never be as good as number five though.’

‘No, they won’t,’ said Keisha with something of a smile.

‘Do you know our fridge no longer contains salad cream sachets that expired in 2015? I made a bet with myself that they would last the year out in there. You’re far too efficient, Clive,’ Lucy shouted from beyond the fridge door.

Keisha glanced at her phone again. ‘I’m going to have to pop out. Will you two be okay?’

Lucy returned and gave Clive a look that he interpreted as meaning they were in cahoots.

‘We’ll be fine,’ Clive said. ‘I just hope you are.’

But it was hard to know when Keisha was already on her way.



It’s not my heart I’m worrying about at the moment. It’s my head. It feels as if it’s going to explode. Clive’s missing medical notes have been found. George phoned to let me know and, right now, he is taking the opportunity to look through them before they are shared with Copyright 2016 - 2024