The Missing Piece - Catherine Miller Page 0,79

like a reflex, but he was having to stop and recall. ‘All my life. It was my parents’ house. I was born there.’

‘An entire lifetime of treasures in that case.’

‘A lifetime. Yes.’ Clive guessed so. ‘I had something I wanted to ask you.’ He needed to get back on track before he forgot why he’d called in the first place.

‘What’s that?’

‘Tess and I are hosting a speed-dating event at her café. It’s to try to create a bit more revenue for the business. I’m one man short and wondered if I could persuade you to take part. I’ll pay for your ticket as a thank you.’

‘You don’t have to do that.’

‘There’s cake. I’d do it myself, but I’m far too old and we’d get complaints.’

‘What kind of cake are we talking about here? Because if it’s red velvet then I’m sold already.’

‘Tess’s red velvet cake is the best. I’ll make sure that’s one on offer.’

‘When is it? I’ll have to check my rota. If I’m free and we’re finished here, then I’ll step into the breach. With cake as payment.’

Clive gave him the details of the event that was planned for the following Friday evening, and crossed his fingers. He just had to hope that George would be able to make it. There was really no way Clive could be the stand-in.



For once, Lucy is doing as she’s told. She’s following the guide the dietician gave her to a T. She’s sticking with softer foods such as soups and drinking the milkshakes they’ve given her to bulk out her calorie intake. Even Rob isn’t having to nag her and I’ve not come close to printing out a label.

Seeing her being so compliant is a testament to how poorly she’s been. It’s visible in all her movements. She’s slower, having to pace herself, reserving her energy. We start going for daily walks around the block like Clive did with me and on the seventh one, I’m beginning to notice a difference. Lucy is coming back to me.

‘How are your investigations going?’ she asks. I’ve told her about the mysterious photo I found singled out from the others.

‘Tess’s uncle knows all about genealogy and is looking into it for us. To be honest I think I was getting my hopes up. There’s nothing to say it is her.’

‘Is there anything else you can do to find out?’

‘George is checking to see if they’ve located the other medical records, but that’s not likely to help with Nancy. It might explain why he can get muddled at times. I just hope it doesn’t show up anything tragic. He’s had enough of that.’ I know that’s my fear and why I’m reluctant to delve any further into the past.

‘I can’t wait to get back to work and meet him again.’

‘It won’t be long. Hopefully you’ll feel up to it soon. I can’t wait for Clive to be able to treat you to afternoon tea.’

It’s good to see the colour in Lucy’s cheeks as we walk and laugh about the fact the lab now has a full tea set including vintage sugar tongs.

The buoyancy of seeing Lucy recovering carries me all the way to the dating event this evening even though I’m absolutely dreading it. One date is bad enough, but eight in a row seems like too many. Despite Tess and Clive’s reassurances that this will make it easier than running off, I’m not so sure. At least my way I get to stick to my routine. I get to take my pulse afterwards. I get to leave the room to save any awkwardness. I have no way of knowing how I’ll cope with this new style of dating. I won’t be able to run to the bathroom in between each one without appearing to have bladder issues and if I take my pulse constantly it will look odd – even odder than usual, that is.

The only comfort is the fact I’ll be at my table, in my comfort zone. I get there suitably early so that I can eat and have a drink with me ahead of anyone else arriving.

‘Are you feeling okay?’ Clive asks. He’s carrying out some final touches. At the moment he’s adding a red rose to a small vase on every table. It doesn’t quite go with Tess’s sparkly unicorn theme, but at least they’re not adding glitter to flowers.

‘Is it bad to say I’ll just be glad when it’s over?’

‘Just think of the hassle this is saving you. You’re Copyright 2016 - 2024