The Missing Piece - Catherine Miller Page 0,53

chicken. It’s my first taste of takeaway in years and it’s divine. The last one must have been nearly a decade ago, when we first moved into this house.

‘No, nothing like that. It’s just someone I’ve been trying to help out.’

‘They’re not taking advantage of you, are they? There are some nasty people out there. If you’re saying this is his address it could be a fraud thing. He could be taking out credit cards and other stuff. Do you know where he is?’

‘I know exactly where he is.’

‘Who is he? Are you going to elaborate?’

I don’t want to. I don’t want to haul anyone extra into this temporary plan. ‘He’s nearby. I’ll give him a call after we’ve finished eating and get him to contact the police.’

‘And nearby is where exactly? Come on, Keisha. I’ve been spending every bit of my spare time up at the hospital. If there’s something interesting going on, you have to tell me. It’s not like we’ve ever had police turning up at the door and if they turn up again, don’t you want me to back you up?’

‘I haven’t done anything wrong. At least nothing that would get me in trouble with the police, but work might have something to say about it. That’s why I’ve only told a few people.’

‘Have you told Lucy? Because I’m pretty sure her hospital admission will work as an alibi, if it comes to that. Are you going to tell me?’

I finally relent. If Lucy knows there’s no harm in telling Rob as well.

‘One of the study participants didn’t have anywhere to be discharged to from the hospital. He’s an elderly man, and has no one. I felt sorry for him. I came up with the idea, that as it was only short-term, he would be able to stay at the sleep lab at work. It’s not in use. It seemed wasteful that there was a bed that was vacant when he needed one. In the daytime he’s been helping out while Lucy is away.’

Rob chews on some of his food while taking in the information. ‘Okay. None of that seems terribly unreasonable, so what’s with the secrecy? Why do the police think he’s here?’

‘Work doesn’t know. I knew it was something they wouldn’t authorise. They’d make mutterings about health and safety and insurance and dismiss it before even considering it. So I said he was staying here temporarily so we had an address to discharge him to.’

‘What made you consider it? It doesn’t sound like the kind of idea you normally come up with.’

‘I felt sorry for him.’ It was more than that though. ‘He’s had a hard time of it. He thought something terrible had happened at his house and didn’t feel able to return there. I guess I felt connected to him somehow and knowing what he’s been through recently I knew someone had to help, so why not me?’

‘Because you might get in trouble at work? Or with the police?’

‘I’d already made the offer before I started to think about the possible consequences. I’d not really thought that far ahead before the suggestion was out there and being taken up. It’s been fine so far and it’s not for long. I thought it was going without a hitch. That was before I knew the police had been trying to get a hold of him.’

‘Why do they want to speak to him?’

This part is complicated and I’m not even going to try and explain fully. ‘There was potentially a break-in at his house. He doesn’t want to return home because of what happened.’

‘You’d best get your stowaway to ring them before they start looking for him more thoroughly.’

With the events of the evening, I’ve not been keeping an eye on the time. It’s getting late. ‘You’re right. He might be in bed already and they didn’t sound like they wanted to wait.’

Abandoning my plate of half-eaten food, I retrieve my mobile phone. Clive doesn’t have one of his own, but as he is becoming an expert at answering the laboratory phone, hopefully he’ll have the good sense to continue doing so out of hours.

The other end of the line rings until the answerphone kicks in.

‘No answer,’ I tell Rob. ‘I’ll try again.’ If he was asleep, it might take two or three tries to get his attention. After the fourth go, I’m no longer sure a simple phone call will be the solution. ‘He’s not picking up.’

‘Maybe he’s worried that answering the phone will Copyright 2016 - 2024