Miss Fanshawe's Fortune - Linore Rose Burkard Page 0,41

vessel. His tone was reassuring to Frannie, whose consternation rose considerably when she heard there were no other Fanshawe males. If that were true, would it not mean that this Mr. Fanshawe must be her father? But he held no title; how would such a man of middling means have a fortune set by for her in a trust? Despite this perplexity, and the venomous looks of the lady, still there arose in Frannie’s breast a faint hope. If he was indeed her father, nobleman or not, her paternity would at least be settled. More, she would know her father!

“My husband’s ship is not expected for a month, sir. But I assure you, I await his arrival anxiously, as he will settle this matter.” She tossed her head and added, “I warrant you, he has no child other than ours. This one here,” she motioned derisively at Frannie, “is none of his get, I tell you.”

“What do you know about the trust?” Mr. Harley asked.

Mrs. Fanshawe’s face blanched as if she’d little expected to have the question thrust upon her. Hesitantly she said, “I know only that it awaits my daughter upon her majority.”

“How much is it worth, ma’am?”

She gave him an alarmed look. “If you do not know, sir, I shan’t enlighten you.”

Mr. Harley’s countenance darkened. “Do not trifle with me, madam. If I find your claim has merit, I will be your advocate. I seek only the truth. I will defend the rightful claimant, whoever it is. Now, unless you are prepared to admit your daughter is not the heiress of this trust, then I suggest you cooperate fully.”

All of this was spoken in decided tones. Frannie’s anxiety returned, for it seemed as though Mr. Harley might yet be convinced that Mrs. Fanshawe’s child was the rightful claimant. She happened to glance at Sebastian, but his gaze was upon the woman of the house. He turned his head, as though he felt her eyes upon him, and, when he saw the look of trepidation on her face, gave another bracing look, with a slight nod. “Do not fear,” it seemed to say. She swallowed and returned her attention to the others.

Mrs. Fanshawe said, almost meekly now, “I don’t rightly know the value. It’s an investment of some sort. All I know is that there is a trust, and it belongs to my daughter.”

“Who is the benefactor?” he asked, with his peculiarly officious, detached tone.

Uncertainty flickered in her eyes momentarily, but was replaced by a hard glint. “My husband! He wins prizes at sea, you know—all kinds of cargo and chattel. He alone has the particulars. If you must know, he never wished to tell me of it, but I overheard it, I did. There’s a fund, alright, and ʼtis a fortune by now. It belongs to my daughter, and there’s an end of it.” Raising her voice and with a finger pointed at Frannie she added, “We shan’t be fobbed off by this upstart! How she knows aught of it, I cannot say, but ’tis our business only.”

Mr. Harley rose and paced the room, staring at the lady. “Do you mean to say, you have never inquired about it?” He turned to share with Frannie and Sebastian a look of stark incredulity before turning it in full force upon the lady. She seemed to shrink beneath his gaze. Mr. Harley raised a finger and pointed it at her. “You are aware of a trust fund, and you say it belongs to your daughter—” he waved an arm as though he were giving a summary in a court of law to a jury—“but you never asked the amount? It’s value?” His voice filled more and more with doubt.

Mrs. Fanshawe’s face grew rosy. “As I said, sir, my husband has the full particulars of the case. He never wished to speak of it. I daresay he thought I’d put an anchor on it, make him spend the hard-earned prizes.” She glowered at them. “Or perhaps he won it at gaming and didn’t wish me to know. I own, all men succumb to gaming at one time or other. I did not inquire—to spare his feelings—and because I wanted the money for my daughter.” With pride in her voice she added, “She is to marry Lord Whitby, you know.”

Mr. Harley had been watching her keenly and now said, “The fact is, if a family man wins a fortune, whether by gaming or other means, he uses it to better himself and

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