Mismatched Under the Mistletoe - Jess Michaels Page 0,4

in front of her, it seemed.

“No, I like women with a bit more season,” he agreed. “But that isn’t what I’m talking about. These women never dance, they rarely engage with men in conversation, they are teetering on the edge of old maidhood. With the exception of Lady Hickson, of course, who is a seemingly content widow with three cats.”

“I know.” Emily grinned. “Is it not genius? Six women on the fringes of Society. All lovely, sweet, kind and intelligent, but unable, thus far, to capture the right man.”

“And you think you can do better?” Cav said softly. “Very well, who are the men you plan to help your ladies ensnare?”

“Mr. Wentworth Highsmith,” she began, ticking the names off on her fingers. “The Earl of Allington, Viscount Weatherall, Mr. Adrian Powell, the Earl of Levenridge and Mr. Nathan Hayward.”

Cav’s eyes went very wide. “Those are all my friends. Or at least acquaintances.”

She shrugged. “Rakes of a feather…speaking of birds.”

He didn’t smile, but folded his arms. “They are all rakes. Rogues of the highest order. Men with pasts as murky as spoiled water!”

Emily practically bounced in glee. “Yes. Isn’t it marvelous? Think of it. Which matches are always the most successful, even if they are the least expected?” She didn’t wait for Cav to give an answer. “A rake with a wallflower. I’ve watched several friends steeped in wallflower status catch men of questionable reputation and have the result turn out as one of love, respect and longevity. Rakes and wallflowers, that is my test.”

Cav opened and shut his mouth like a fish a few times before he shook his head. “You are astounding.”

“Is that a good thing?” she asked slowly.

After all these years, she could normally read Cav. She’d learned to do so as he’d been her rock and her ear and her…well, everything. But right now she couldn’t tell if he thought her a true fool or that her plan wasn’t one he could support.

He let out his breath slowly. “Always. But you said you require my help with this madcap plan of yours. What exactly do you need me to do?”

Suddenly Emily felt nervous, though she couldn’t place why. Cav never made her nervous, and yet her hands had begun to shake and she shoved them into her lap so he wouldn’t see. “Come to the gathering.”

“To be witness to your matchmaking bird show,” he said softly.

She laughed at his quip. “No. I need someone there who understands what I’m doing. Who knows the men as well as I know the women. Someone who can help push things along if need be.”

He got up and walked across the room, stopping to turn at the mantel. He speared her with a look. “I see. A partner in crime, if you will.”

There was something about the way he said it that brought her up short. She searched his handsome face, looking for why he was so hesitant. Was it her or the plan in general?

“A friend,” she clarified gently. “You are my friend, Cav. My truest and dearest. I suppose it’s silly, but when I think of doing something so fanciful, I only want you by my side as I do it.”

He pursed his lips, but then he nodded. “Well, I cannot say no to you, can I? I never can. If you wish for me to join your party and your plan, I’ll be there.”

She rushed forward and grabbed for his hand, clutching it between her own. “I’m so happy!”

He pulled his hand away with a smile of his own. “Very good.”

She smoothed her skirts and tried to stop her fluttering heart. The excitement over this whole endeavor was something she would have to work on controlling. She didn’t want to be too obvious when it came to her quarry.

She sighed. “Now that it’s all settled, I wonder what you are doing for Christmas Day.”

“I’ll join my grandfather,” he said with a slightly sad smile. “As I do each year. My uncle will be there, and his wife and the cousins. We make merry and then everyone prods me about settling down. What about you?”

There was something gentler to that question. She knew why. While Cav had the extended family, she really didn’t have many people. She had no siblings, her parents had both died right after Andrew did, adding more to her suffering during those awful days.

“Andrew’s mother and his brother have invited me,” she said. “They’re very kind to keep me so close. I believe his brother

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