Mismatch - By Nana Malone Page 0,66

new art.”

Jessica held her breath as she watched the two of them interact. Their exchange looked friendly enough. Gone was Eli's usual taciturn, uncompromising face. He looked relaxed almost. Like he was prepared to enjoy himself.

“Thanks for letting me crash the family picnic.”

“No sweat. Jessica never invites anyone over. No matter how often I tell her she should.”

She groaned as he led them down the long, arched walkway that led to the expansive living room. “Real subtle, Jason.”

Jason shrugged. “It's the truth.”

As they entered the living room, Jessica caught sight of Aaron, Jason's agent, who was playing video games with Nick. After introductions were made, the boys settled in for a video game tournament, and Jessica joined Izzy in the kitchen. “I hear you’re trying to poison us all.”

Izzy raised a dark eyebrow. “Hardy har.” She glanced in the living room. “So now you’re dating him?”

“Uh, it's not a date.”

Izzy eyed the flowers and wine Eli had brought along. “Are you sure about that?”

Throughout lunch, Jessica stayed at Eli's side. She felt light and bubbly. So much so that she was able to ignore most of Aaron’s jibes. She recognized the signs. She knew what was happening, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to do anything about it. She was falling for Eli, hard. He was all wrong. But right in so many ways. Maybe it was time to stop fighting what she thought she didn’t want anymore and give in. Look at that, her actually growing up. If that was even possible.

He leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the temple. “Penny for your thoughts?”

Smiling, she said, “Oh, nothing. Merely wondering if I knew myself at all, all these years.”

He nodded. “I always figured the point was we are all trying to figure it out.”

“Yeah, I guess.” She shrugged. “I guess my problem is thinking I had it all figured out years ago and realizing I was probably wrong.”

“Are you two going to start making out now? Cause that's going to make me a bit ill.” Aaron plopped himself down on the other side of Eli. “So, Eli, when are you going to get yourself some real representation and stop slumming it with Jessica here?”

Jessica felt Eli go rigid beside her, and she squeezed his hand. “You’ll have to forgive Aaron. He can’t help being a douchebag.”

Izzy reached over and scooped up Jessica’s and Eli's cleared plates. “He honestly can’t help it. He’s a bit of an asshole.” She grinned at Aaron, who scowled in return.

“I’ve earned your husband a hefty sum,” said Aaron.

“And that, my love, is why we keep you around.” Izzy winked at him before sashaying off.

Eli relaxed next to Jessica. Turning to Aaron he said, “You have much experience with artists?”

“Ask any actor in my roster, and he considers himself an artist. But none like you so far. From what Jessica's been saying, I think I can get your work in some movies.” He proffered a card. “You should give me a call sometime.” He sauntered off and followed Nick and Jason down the deck stairs leading to the tennis court.

Eli turned to her. “Is he always like that?”

Jessica shrugged. “Pretty much. He's a total shark. Jason insists that's he's not really that much of an asshole, but Iz and I have a hard time believing it.”

Izzy came out, trailed by the nanny, who was holding Kara. “We're going to work off some of the steaks and chili with a friendly game. You guys up for it?”

Jess raised an eyebrow. Just as she got the impression Eli was going to say yes to be polite, she put a hand on his thigh. “I think we'll pass. You guys always cheat anyway.”

Izzy smiled serenely. “It's not cheating because my husband can serve balls over a hundred miles an hour.”

“I call that cheating.”

The two of them watched her go. “She plays as well?”

Jessica nodded, sending her blond hair swinging over her shoulders. “Yeah. She used to play for USC. Could have gone pro, but life changed, I guess. And she quit for a while.”

“Let me guess, they're going to hustle Aaron out of some money.”

She barked out a laugh. “He's too smart for that. I think Nick was hoping you were an easy mark, but no way would I have let that happen.”

“I know my way around a racket.”

“Oh, I had no idea. Did you want—”

“No. Staying here with you is where I want to be.”

She frowned. “You want to tell me what’s eating you?”



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