Mismatch - By Nana Malone Page 0,53

Izzy mumbled after Jessica explained. She sounded distracted.

“Isn't it obvious?” Sometimes Izzy could be so obtuse.

“Well, if you were actually interested in him, and it wasn’t just about the sexual chemistry, then yeah, I’d get it, Jess. But honestly, honey, you said he wasn’t your type at all, unless he was in artist mode. What happened to that?”

“Nothing happened to that. And he's not my type. He just put his arm around her, but still...” Liar. “I just can’t believe that a day after I, erm, rocked his world”—no need to tell Izzy all the deets within listening distance of the kidlet—“that I see him just strolling about with some chick. Some way hot, model-looking chick. Not a tat or purple-streaked hair in sight.”

Izzy's voice went soft. “Honey, he should love you for you, tats, piercings, purple hair, and all. Though you are ever evolving, I’m noticing. He should like a little variety. Maybe he's just showing someone around. You never know.”

“Of course I know. I saw him draped all over her.”

“Okay, take a deep breath. Draped all over her like kissing her, or like intertwined fingers. I find that's a little different, depending on what they were actually doing.”

Jessica heard a series of banging and clicking. “Well, neither if you really want to be a stickler about it, but they looked really intimate. Like they were really comfortable with each other.” More clicking. “What the hell are you doing over there anyway?”

“Arming myself to the teeth. You called, I'm bringing the militia. I just want to make sure that when I slaughter some poor woman it's 'cause she deserves it and not ‘cause your new not-boyfriend was showing around his sister or something.”

Jessica giggled. “Are you really arming yourself to the teeth? ‘Cause I'd love to see you with a gun.”

“Now you sound like Jason. He's convinced everyone in the house needs to learn to shoot. Ever since that scare a couple of years ago, he's been a little security crazy. Part of the reason I had to leave normalcy for Malibu.”

“Stop complaining. I'd switch places with you any day. Not in the crazy, man-stealing way—although that man of yours if very nice to look at—but in the I'd love your life kind of way.”

Izzy chuckled. “I feel you. Speaking of family, how’s my kid? Thank you for scooping her up from dance class for me.”

Jessica eyed Kara, who squealed as she tossed sand in the air. Eeeks, must stop her before she got more sand in the hair. Izzy would kill her if, once again, she had to contend with sand in the baby's afro. “She's perfect. We’re headed home.”

“So, you're okay? No need for me to send the militia? ‘Cause right now I’m arming Nick and crew with paint guns. I figured it would be fitting.”

“Hardy har. I'm good.”

“Okay, come on back, and we'll discuss properly over hot cocoa. But honey, only you can know what you want from him. Either you want him, or you don't.”

“I really wish it was that simple. I want him. I simply don’t want the pain that comes with him.”

“You’re going to have to figure it out, sweetie, because this yo-yo thing isn’t good for you. Maybe you two should try having an actual conversation that doesn't end with the two of you ripping each other’s clothes off.”

Jessica frowned. “I am unfamiliar with these conversations of which you speak.”

“Truth be told, I can see why.”

After hanging up with Izzy, Jessica stared at her phone. Jessica had to determine exactly what she wanted from Eli. Otherwise, she was only torturing herself. With a deep breath, she sent Eli a text.


“Hey, little brother, you want to tell me what the hell Jessica is so pissed about?” Eli strode into Samson’s studio as he was staring at his latest work.

“If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times, I don't understand women, big brother. All I understand is how to pleasure them. Beyond that, I got nothing. You’ll have to elaborate.”

“I got a text from her earlier asking about some daisies or something. You have any idea what that means?”

Sam frowned then his eyes went wide. “Dang, bro, that chick of yours really is Colombo. How did she even know about them?”

Eli's patience pulled tight like the cords of a violin. “Explain.”

“I took Jocelyn to the Grove today to cheer her up after she broke up with her boyfriend. I bought her some daisies. Jessica must have seen us there.”

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