Mirror, Mirr- A Twisted Tale (Disney Twisted Tales) - Jen Calonita Page 0,56

met in the gardens at the castle.”

“I feel different,” Snow said.

Henri shook his head. “I can’t believe the queen tried to have you killed. I knew she was ruthless and difficult, but a murderer . . . You’re not planning to face her alone, are you?”

“At the end, I believe it has to be her and me,” Snow said. “Maybe I can reason with her. Tell her I know the truth about my mother and get her to repent.”

Henri appeared skeptical. “A woman that cold and calculating will never repent.”

Snow looked at the apple peel flower again, seeing the beauty in something that would ordinarily be discarded. “I have to at least try.”

“How will you stop her?” Henri asked.

“The men are trying to get new recruits to join our fight for the crown. But it is difficult. They can only do so in secret, and many are frightened of her and afraid to speak up. Hopefully we can convince them that there is power in numbers.” She sighed. “As you can see, the battle plans are still hazy.”

A raven landed on a tree branch nearby and cawed, startling them both. Henri frowned. “We shouldn’t stay here too long.”

There wasn’t a single bird she disliked, but the repeated sightings of the raven were making her wonder. Was it indeed the queen? If so, what dangers did she have in store for them? Snow packed up quickly while Henri fed the horse the rest of his apple and some water. When she was done, he was holding the reins to again walk beside her.

“This time we both ride,” Snow insisted, feeling bold, even though the thought made her slightly nervous. He started to protest, and she held up her finger to silence him.

Henri bowed. “Yes, Your Highness.” She smiled as he continued. “I like your initiative. You’re much like my brother Lorenz, who will take the throne from my father someday. I’m sixth in line to the throne, so I’ve never bothered to wonder what being a ruler would be like.”

Being a ruler . . . She’d been so focused on overthrowing the Evil Queen and now finding her father that she hadn’t stopped to consider what would happen after. The throne belonged to her father if he wanted it, and she would step up to the task of helping her kingdom, righting the wrongs that had been committed for too long. But she couldn’t help thinking about what it would mean if it was her turn to wear the crown. . . . What type of ruler would she be? What new ideas would she bring to the table? It was startling and yet somewhat exhilarating to imagine all she’d be able to do for her people, to think of the change she would have the power to enact. She could bring the kingdom back to the way it had been when her parents had ruled . . . could maybe even make it better.

Henri held the reins tightly and the horse stopped, allowing him to climb up behind Snow. “But I’m sure someday you’ll be a great ruler,” he said, as though hearing her thoughts. He held out the reins to her and began to climb up, and in doing so, he had to put his arms beside her.

“Sorry,” he said, his arm grazing hers.

“It’s fine,” Snow insisted, but she’d never been this close to a young man before, and certainly never to one nearly this handsome. The guards in the castle, even the young ones, had permanent scowls on their faces, but Henri—whether he was worried, sick, or just being a gentleman—seemed to always be smiling.

They traveled in silence again for a while before Snow started to hum a familiar tune to pass the time. Henri joined in, and the two of them sang a song that made even the birds in the forest land on branches to listen.

As the sky started to dim, they approached the lake that divided Snow’s kingdom from Henri’s. On the outer bank of the lake, Snow could see a small cottage with smoke rising from the chimney. As they made their way around the lake, Snow noticed the abode wasn’t much to look at—the cottage looked like it had been constructed quickly—and the shutters were drawn tight, as if there were a storm coming. But as the horse approached, the door to the cottage flew open. An older man shuffled out with a walking stick.

Snow gasped.

Thoughts and memories whirled around her mind. Could

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