The Millionaire's Rebellious Mistress - By Catherine George Page 0,50

simply, and smiled. ‘Are you still cross with me, or will you eat some of this?’

‘I’m not cross.’ She grinned at him as she took a couple of slices. ‘In fact I’m flattered. And I’m hungry. Even though after dinner I was sure I wouldn’t eat again for at least a day.’ She drank the tea he gave her in one draught.

‘You were thirsty,’ said Alex, and got up to take her cup as she began to eat.

‘I’m amazed you have a teapot,’ she commented, watching him pour.

He grinned. ‘It was a present from my aunt when I moved in, with instructions to serve tea properly to my mother. In cups, with saucers.’

Sarah relaxed against the pillows as they ate. ‘I didn’t expect all this when I said yes to dinner,’ she told him.

‘Expect what, exactly?’ He took her cup and plate away and stacked them with his own on the tray, then brushed crumbs from the covers and sat back beside her. ‘Making love with me?’

Sarah turned to look at him. ‘That did occur to me.’

His eyes held hers. ‘Yet you still came?’


‘Is it remotely possible that you wanted it to happen?’

She gave him a smile as crooked as his. ‘I thought you might have picked up certain clues about that.’

Alex slid his arm round her and drew her close. ‘Let’s see. First you actually turned up. Second you fell madly in love with my house. True?’

‘Oh, yes,’ she sighed, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder.

Alex’s arm tightened. ‘Then you kissed me of your own accord. On the cheek, admittedly, but a voluntary kiss for all that. I was, to put it mildly, encouraged.’ He dropped a kiss on her hair. ‘The storm finally clinched it. And here we are, on if not in my bed, relaxing in the aftermath of what I can only describe—poetic fool that I am—as a trip to heaven and back. How am I doing? Is there anything I missed?’

‘The underwear.’

His eyebrow rose. ‘I noticed it was pretty mouth-watering before I parted you from it, but is there more to it than that?’

She nodded. ‘Normally I wear a chainstore white cotton bra, and the kind of knickers that come three in a pack. I bought the sexy stuff specifically to wear today.’

Alex put a finger under her chin to turn her face up to his. ‘To seduce me?’ he said incredulously.

‘Of course not,’ she said impatiently. ‘But I thought there was a possibility you might want to seduce me.’ Her eyes fell. ‘And if you did,’ she muttered, ‘I wanted to look good.’

‘Good? I wanted to fall on you and gobble you up,’ he growled, and kissed her hard. ‘I still do,’ he said, and threw off his dressing gown and laid a hand on the tie securing hers. ‘Do you want me to?’

‘Yes,’ she tersely, and abandoned any last lingering inhibitions to show him how much.

When Sarah surfaced again it was daylight. She found an arm round her waist, and a long, muscular leg hooked over both of hers, and opened her eyes on Alex’s intent gaze.

‘Good morning,’ he said softly.

‘Good morning.’ She blinked sleepily. ‘What time is it?’

‘Just after nine. Want some breakfast?’

She thought it over. ‘Could I have another shower first?’

‘Certainly.’ Alex slid to his feet and scooped her up in his arms. ‘But this time I’m sharing.’

The shower involved a great deal more than just getting clean, and led them straight back to bed, and to lovemaking that was different from the night before. Alex in playful mood was irresistible. In the bright light of day his way of making love was a light-hearted process, and great fun—until heat and need took over and rocketed them to orgasm in each other’s arms. After that there was another shower, and the morning was half gone before they got dressed to sit down to toast prepared by Alex, and eggs scrambled by Sarah.

‘Teamwork,’ he said with satisfaction. ‘You do good eggs.’

‘I’m not bad in the kitchen!’

Alex’s eyes gleamed. ‘Not bad in the bedroom, either.’

‘Is that all you can think about?’

He forked in more eggs before replying. ‘You’re here, in my house, across the table from me eating breakfast, after a night no mere words can describe, so of course I’m thinking about it. I’ll probably be thinking about it all week while I’m in endless meetings.’

Sarah smiled and blew him a kiss. ‘I’ll probably be thinking about it, too, while I get on with the Westhope barns.’

Alex reached out a hand to Copyright 2016 - 2024