Miles of Pleasure - By Stephanie Nicole Page 0,75

and she killed. He had never heard her perform this song live, only the recorded version, but it was so much better in person. He immediately wanted to go over their song list to see which other songs they could add her to. She had blown him away.

Ashton walked over to Kaylee, seeing her freeze when the song ended and she realized they were still in a room full of people. He helped her remove her guitar, then picked her up in a big hug as the camera cut to commercial. Once he put her down, she saw the pride shining in his eyes, and it really hit her deep. From that moment on, she would never doubt Ashton or his feelings for her.

The rest of the guys took their turns hugging Kaylee and swinging her around the stage, before Janis called them over. As soon as they all got seated in the interview area again, the 'On Air' light went back on.

"So, Ashton, you wrote that song, correct?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I wrote it during our last tour. Someone I really cared about was hurting, and I felt helpless. I know I didn't always show it, but I've always held a special place for her in my heart, and I hope this song makes it clear," he said and looked over at Kaylee.

She was fighting to maintain control as tears welled up in her eyes. In her head, she went over every lyric, each heartfelt line, bringing the tears closer to spilling over. Everyone watched as she processed the words in her head.

"Well, I think it's pretty clear whom you wrote it for," Janis said, watching Kaylee suddenly embrace Ashton. He whispered something in her ear that no one could hear. The audience all let out a collective 'Ah' upon seeing this. Kaylee backed up and looked into his eyes as he wiped the few tears that had escaped from her face. He kissed her softly and quickly before whispering that he loved her.

Kaylee stayed in his embrace, not caring that they were still on national television. "Now, I'm guessing that this is the first time you've heard this?" Janis asked her.

Kaylee took a deep breath and swallowed what was left of the lump in her throat. "I had no idea. Hell, I didn't even know that it was going to be on their album, let alone be released as their first single. So many songs got cut and I figured this would be one of them. I was just filling in one day when my brother couldn't make it. I thought it would be the first one to end up in the trash can," she laughed. "And, I thought it was written by someone else and submitted to the record company like some of their other songs. I always knew that it was a powerful song, but never really put the words together. It's kind of unbelievable."

"Well, it's a great song, and you sounded great...especially after they surprised you like that." She smiled at Kaylee and the rest of the guys. "We look forward to more from Miles of Pleasure in the near future. You'll have to come back and see us again soon." She winked at Noah, then turned to face the camera. "And now here's a video from Weezer."

The camera cut out again, and she got up to hug them all and thank them for coming. Seeing that Noah had been too chicken to invite Janis out with them that night, Kaylee took over.

"Hey, we were wondering if you wanted to come out with us tonight. We were thinking of some seedy bar that had karaoke, then maybe a club or something?" Kaylee asked her after she pulled her aside, away from the group.

Without hesitation, Janis agreed to go, quickly looking at Noah.

Kaylee laughed. "Yes, my brother will be there too. Just don't hurt him. He's been through a lot lately," she warned.

Janis nodded and took Kaylee's phone number so that she could call her later, once the plans were finalized. Kaylee waved goodbye as she followed the guys back to the green room.

She entered the room, chanting over and over, "Noah's got a date tonight, Noah's got a date tonight!" The guys all laughed when he got flustered. They gathered all of their belongings and made their way down to the limo that was waiting to take them back to the hotel.

During their ride back to the hotel, they decided where and when they wanted Copyright 2016 - 2024