Midnight Truth (Shifter Island #4) - Leia Stone Page 0,37

and I just let it all out as Gramps rubbed my back while I grieved.

‘Nai, what’s wrong?’ Rage’s voice suddenly burst into my mind, and I froze.

I could hear him. ‘Rage … I’m okay. Sad about Gramps. How can I hear you?’

His relief flooded through our bond. ‘We sealed the mating bond. Nothing can keep us apart now. I’m glad you’re okay. See you soon.’

I sat up and looked at Gramps, noticing his sleepy, heavy eyelids were barely open. My gaze jumped to the bedside clock, and I frowned. How could the entire day get away like that? It was nearly three o’clock, and I needed a snack and a shower before I met up with Rage. I glanced back to my grandfather, and our gazes collided.

“Sorry for the crying fest,” I said, followed by a weak laugh. “I guess I needed that.”

He gave me another one of his patient smiles, the kind that communicated love, acceptance, and so much support. “You’re doing such a great job, Nai. Your mother would be proud, as am I.”

“Thank you,” I whispered, struggling to keep my frayed emotions in check. I stood and kissed his cheek. “Get some rest. You look tired.”

He snorted but held out his book, and I set it on his bedside table before walking to the far wall to draw the curtains. The guilt I’d carried when I stepped into this room had lifted somewhat, and my love for this man had grown immeasurably. By the time I slipped out of his door, I could hear his soft snores.

Checking myself in the hallway mirror, I recoiled at my reflection. Red, blotchy skin; messy, tangled strands of my silvery hair hung in clumps. I was a hot mess.

I grabbed an apple from the kitchen, and Reyna showed me to an opulent room with an ensuite bathroom that would rival anything I’d seen in Rage’s castle. It felt weird having a room here when I really just wanted to live with Rage, but it was necessary for now. I rushed through my shower and was relieved to find clean clothes my size waiting for me in the walk-in closet.

Thanks, Annette.

As I dressed, trepidation fluttered in my chest. Mine? Or Rage’s? The feeling crawled through me, making it impossible for me to relax. I had another thirty minutes before Rage would be in the library, but that didn’t mean I needed to stay here.

Besides, I was way overdue for a visit with my bestie.

Chapter Six

I popped my head into Reyna’s room, but the curtains were drawn, and she was out like a light. I was confused at first. Why would she be asleep at 3:30 p.m.? Then I remembered she was Gramps’ shield, and my heart pinched with compassion. I snuck out, and with no one else around, I scribbled a note and left it on the kitchen counter before rushing down the hall toward the passageway to Grandpa’s private office. More unease wormed through me, churning in my gut, and I picked up my pace.

Something felt wrong.

I burst through the door to Gramps’ study and shouted, “Let’s go, Honor.”

He darted past me so fast it was obvious that he’d been waiting.

‘Something’s wrong,’ he said, trotting down the hall. ‘I feel it.’

“Do you know what it is?” I replied, and when he didn’t respond, I reached out to Rage. ‘Are you okay?’

No reply. I tried to open to him, but when I did, I felt sick to my stomach like I was going to throw up. Something was definitely off.

Honor loped ahead, and I tried to call up my wolf as she would be faster than my human form, but she cowered back, refusing to take over. Shocker.

So I ran.

I shoved open the door into the high mage library; the ornate iron handle clanged against the wall. Ignoring the noise, I ran down the aisle, Honor at my side. We raced past the fountain—

And pulled to a stop just before colliding with a young man … in seafoam green robes. He had the same hawk-like nose and broad forehead as his father, Kian, the mage master of water.



Honor bared his teeth and snarled at the dude blocking our passageway.

“What the hell is he doing here?” Kian’s son snapped, pointing at Honor. “Those creatures aren’t allowed here. It’s forbidden.”

“Well, then move,” I huffed, stepping closer to him. “You’re blocking our way out.”

His nostrils flared. “I know you think you’re something special, but you’re not.”

Screw you, dude.

My heart, already racing, took it up another

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