Midnight Rising - By Lara Adrian Page 0,25

a damn joke. I didn't mean any offense."

Nikolai stared at him for a long moment, then stalked away in silence.
Chapter Eight
Dawn was inching up over the horizon as the delivery truck from Prague wheeled into a gated, heavily secured lakefront estate on the outskirts of Berlin.

The Darkhaven was held by a Breed vampire named Andreas Reichen, a civilian, but also a trusted ally of the Order since he'd assisted with the discovery of the mountain cave a few months ago. Rio had only met him briefly that past February, but the German greeted him like an old friend as he came around to the back of the truck and opened the trailer door.

"Welcome," he said, then sent an anxious glance up at the pinkening sky overhead. "You made excellent time."

The male was dressed in an impeccably tailored suit and a pristinely pressed white shirt that lay unbuttoned at the throat. With his thick chestnut hair loose around his shoulders, the perfect waves setting off his striking, angular features, Reichen looked like he'd just come off a photo shoot for a men's designer ad.

One dark brow lifted slightly as he took in Rio's negligent appearance, but he remained the consummate gentleman. With a nod, Reichen offered his hand in greeting as Rio climbed out of the truck. "No trouble along the way, I hope?"

"None." Rio gave a brief shake of the vampire's hand.

"We were stopped at the border into Germany, but they didn't search the truck."

"For the right price, they don't," Reichen said, smiling pleasantly. He glanced behind Rio into the darkened trailer, to where Dylan Alexander lay on the floor. She was curled up on her side and resting peacefully, her head cushioned by the lumpy edge of her backpack. "Tranced, I take it?"

Rio nodded. He'd put her out about an hour into the trip, when her endless, probing questions and the swaying motion of the truck had been too much for him to deal with. Even though he'd fed earlier that night, his body was still in need of nourishment and not yet operating on all cylinders. To say nothing of his other problems.

He had spent most of the five-plus-hour drive fighting off nausea and blackout - a weakness he wasn't about to risk exposing to the woman he'd just forcibly abducted. Better that she spend the duration of the trip in a light, psychically induced doze than have her make some desperate bid to overpower him and attempt an escape while they were in transit.

"She's attractive," Reichen said, a casual observation that didn't even begin to do the female justice. "Why don't you take her inside. I have a room prepared for her upstairs. One for you as well. Third floor, end of the hall to the right."

Reichen waved off Rio's murmured thanks. "You are welcome to stay as long as you require, of course. Anything you need, just ask. I'll be along with her things as soon as I compensate my Czech friend for doing this favor on such short notice."

As the German went around to the front of the truck to pay the driver, Rio climbed back inside to retrieve his sleeping captive. She stirred lightly as he lifted her into his arms and carried her outside. He walked briskly toward the mansion and up the short climb of steps that led into the opulent foyer.

None of the Darkhaven's residents were around, even though it wouldn't have been unusual to see some of the civilian vampires or their female mates who lived together as a community in the vast estate. Reichen had probably made sure the house would be quiet for Rio's arrival, devoid of curious eyes and ears. Not to mention, protecting those same civilians from being identified by someone like Dylan Alexander.

A goddamn reporter.

Rio's jaw clamped tight at the thought of the damage the woman in his arms could do. Just a stroke of her pen - or keyboard, as it were - and she could put this Darkhaven and the hundred or so others like it in Europe and the United States in terrible danger. Persecution, subjugation, and, ultimately, wholesale annihilation were certain outcomes if humankind were to have proof of vampires living among them. Aside from some assorted, mostly incorrect, vampire folklore widely dismissed as fiction by modern man, the Breed had kept itself hidden from discovery for thousands of years. It was the only way they'd survived this long.

But now, through his own carelessness - his weakness - Rio might have

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