Midnight Lies (Shifter Island #2) - Raye Wagner Page 0,6

as I remembered the horrific scene of the mid-year games. Honor burning. The high mages screaming “high crime.” Pretty much it was the most horrifying moment of my life.

Why did this old dude care about me anyway? And how did he know I could walk between worlds like him, unless…

“How do you know I have this spirit gift?” I asked.

He swallowed hard and held out his hands in supplication. “At first, I was too hurt at her passing and then too afraid to hope. I told myself I wasn’t completely sure although you look just like her…”

His cryptic words made my head spin, and I frowned. Was he saying … he knew my mother?

“When I discovered you’d survived your mother’s death, I decided to move up your training. I should’ve told you sooner.”

“What are you talking abo—Wait … you sent the forged summons?” My eyes widened, and I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly filled with sawdust. He nodded, but his tight expression made me 85.8% sure there was a bigger surprise coming.

“What else aren’t you telling me…?”

“You’re my granddaughter.” He reached out as if to touch my face and then retracted his hand. “You’ve inherited all of my high mage power, including the mage master power of spirit.”

The world spun. I blinked and shook my head, certain I’d heard wrong. Because if I was his granddaughter … that meant… “My mother…”

He nodded as if he knew what I was thinking. “Elia was my second born. A high mage in training.”

Holy mage.

A million questions raced through my mind, but all of them evaporated when Rage doubled over, grabbing his stomach.

“You don’t have time for this now, Nai. I promise, soon, I’ll answer all of your questions. Now, you must go to the Keeper of Souls and give him this.” He held out his palm and closed his eyes. A small turquoise jewel, translucent and insubstantial, appeared in his hand. I stepped away from Rage, closer to the transparent form of the high mage. As soon as the stone touched my palm, it immediately solidified.

“Will this help us bring Honor back with us?” I stared at the thumbnail-size jewel, far heavier than its size would indicate.

His form flickered and he shook his head. “No. It is just enough to get you and Prince Courage back to the magic lands. From there, you can retrieve Honor’s soul—if you’re able to broker a bargain with the Keeper and you have a body to place your friend in.”

“Wait, so we didn’t even need to come here?” I growled. I wasn’t mad at him. I was mad at myself and that damn witch.

“No. Not in human form, you didn’t.”

Hate wasn’t a strong enough word for how I felt about Surlama.

Another negotiation? With this Keeper of Souls? Just great. “Okay…” What was I supposed to call him? I didn’t even know this dude, but he was helping me … because he was my grandpa.


“Thanks … Mr. Drudner … or Grandpa Geoff. Or is that too weird? Or too soon?” Ugh. I offered him an uneasy smile. “What do I call you?”

Dude I barely know…

A ghostly smile lit his features, and I waited, wondering what I’d said to please him because, so far, nothing seemed to be going right.

“I’ve always wanted to be called Grandpa,” he said softly, almost as if speaking to himself.

Then he disappeared.

What the hell?

“Please tell me I’m not delusional.” Rage gasped, still clutching his side. “We’re stuck in the Realm of the Dead, I’m dying, and you’re worried about what to call your new … grandpa…”

It took two full breaths before I realized his wheezing was laughter. I sidled up to my mate and slid my arm around his waist again. Shaking my head, I muttered, “I’m glad you’re seeing the humor in all this because I’m seventy-five point three percent sure I’m losing my mind.”

I rubbed at my temples.

Rage tucked me closer to him until our bodies were flush from my shoulder to our hips, touching almost like we were teammates for a three-legged race, except my mate had several inches on me and weighed at least twice what I did. We walked toward the white castle, and dread tightened its hold on my chest as he leaned on me more every step we took.

“Well, at least if I die, Madame Surlama won’t be able to collect those lame-ass favors,” Rage wheezed.

I shook my head. “That isn’t funny. I’m not going to let you die.”

Rage groaned, holding his stomach as he doubled over.

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