Midnight Lies (Shifter Island #2) - Raye Wagner Page 0,58

and the others climbing out of the cars, and then fear clenched me. Standing on the uneven boards outside our cabin, I forced a swallow. “Dad, you know the king will come looking for us, right?”

Pursing his lips, he nodded. But there was no resignation in his expression—and no fear. Just resolute determination. “And we’ll fight to protect you, daughter. Always.”

Pride for our pack and fierce love for my dad swelled up my chest, and my tears were back. As I mumbled my thanks, Rage escorted his mother up the steps. Thankfully, his dirty shirt was back on.

“Hello, Nathan, it’s been a while.” Elaine bowed her head low in a sign of respect. “I wasn’t sure if my sons and I would be welcome here.”

My father cleared his throat and extended his hand so she could grasp it—as he would to any guest. “Friends of my daughter are always welcome in Crescent Pack.”

She smiled, a tremulous release of the tension in her expression and her shoulders, and my father kissed the top of her hand, acknowledging her position as queen.

One million percent proud of my dad right now.

Rage thrust his hand out next. “It’s nice to meet you, sir.” His voice shook, just a little, and I had to suppress my grin of satisfaction, knowing he was nervous to meet my father. Ha!

My dad shook Rage’s hand once, short and firm. “What was up with the no shirt thing?”

All my puffed-up pride drained away, and I blushed the color of a tomato.

Rage chuckled, taking the question in stride. “We covered Nai and me in the back seat of the car so we could sneak out of the portal.”

My father nodded as if this was all normal conversation. He narrowed his gaze and looked Rage up and down. “Fated mates, huh?”

“Yes, sir.” Rage showed his marks to my dad. “It took me by surprise, too.”

“So, it’s snowing, and we don’t have coats on.” I pointed at the gray sky in Captain Obvious fashion, nervous about the direction their conversation was heading. “Besides, Grandpa Geoff could be here anytime, and I’m starving. Not to mention we don’t have much time left on the resurrect Honor clock. We should get inside.”

My dad took the cue and led everyone inside where I introduced Justice, Noble, Kaja, and Fiona. Dad acknowledged each of them with respect, and I had only enough time for a deep breath before…

“Nai!” Lona’s shaken voice came from the kitchen, and I burst into a run.

While I didn’t have a mother growing up, I did have Lon. We crashed into each other, and her scent enveloped me, lavender and earthy spices, this time from the chili she was cooking.

“Oh, child, how I missed you.” She squeezed the ever-loving life out of me, and I let her. I let her hold me for longer than was “cool” because I didn’t give two craps about that. It was so good to be home even under dire circumstances.

A low rumble of laughter made me look up just a split second before my best friend, Mack, jumped into the hug. “What the hell, Nai? Did you get kicked out of Alpha Academy?”

He enveloped me and his mom in a bear hug, lifting us right off the ground. “And you managed to make friends with Midnight?”

“She’s my fated mate,” Rage declared, scooting over to my side in a testosterone-oozing way.

Mack dropped his arms to his side with a low whistle. Lon and I both pulled away and, still smiling, wiped at our eyes.

“And you are…?” Rage asked, sliding his arm around my waist as he eyed Mack—as if he were competition. I elbowed Rage.

“Mack and I have been best friends since diapers. He’s practically my brother.” I laughed. Lona literally raised us in the same crib. I had the pictures to prove it.

Rage relaxed and shook Mack’s hand.

“Where’s Callie?” I asked, inquiring about the third musketeer in our bestie group, craning my neck to look up at Mack. “And did you grow another five inches?”

“She’s at her house, but she’ll be right over when I text her.” He pulled out his phone, and I stopped him.

“Maybe later, we have … pressing business.” Then I looked at his mom. “Is there enough chili for seven more, Lon?” I asked.

“You bet.” Lon bopped my nose like I was five and led us all past the depths of the communal lodge toward our personal residence, which was connected via a long hallway. I remembered the nights my father held

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