Midnight Kiss (Men of Midnight #7) - Lisa Marie Rice Page 0,81

jag. Cornflakes and milk are my go-tos, no matter the time of day.”

Well, cornflakes for dinner for her was over. It was going to be Luke’s mission to make sure she ate well at regular intervals.

It was good to have a mission again.

He threw back the covers and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, picking up a change of clothes along the way. There was a weird sound behind him and he looked over his shoulder at her.

Hope was sitting up in bed, blankets around her waist. She was staring at him. At his ass, really. Looking like she liked what she saw. He liked what he saw too. Her beautiful face, mouth slightly open as she stared at him. The elegant slender lines of her torso, the delicate collar bones, the perfect small breasts. With aroused nipples.

His dick rose straight up when he saw that. Totally uncontrolled and uncontrollable. From zero to hero in a second. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he’d tried. He was half turned toward her and she couldn’t help but see.

Another one of those flushes rose from her small breasts to her face. She huffed out a breath, as if letting off steam rising inside her and he could feel his dick swell. She turned a brighter shade of pink, a small smile playing around her mouth. A heart beat was visible in her left breast.

Their bodies were talking to each other. No need for words. But he used them anyway.

“Don’t really need breakfast/dinner. Or a shower,” he offered. It was hard to keep the hope out of his voice. Because right now the thought of anything that wasn’t rushing over to her, climbing right on top of her and sliding right in, where he belonged, seemed insane.

She breathed hard, in and out, delectable mouth slightly open. He remembered that mouth. Above all his dick remembered that mouth and he was now officially as hard as a rock.

She wasn’t talking, just sort of vibrating there on the bed. Was that an invitation? If it was, the answer was yes. He turned completely, his dick flat against his stomach and was about to stride over when she raised a shaking hand, palm up.


He sighed.

“You are temptation itself, but I think we need to eat something and check in with Felicity. See how she’s doing. I haven’t heard from her and I’m a little worried.”

He tried one more time. “We could shower at the same time,” he said sneakily. “Save time, conserve water. A twofer.”

She smiled at him and he felt like a light had switched on inside him. She didn’t smile enough. Come to think of it, he didn’t smile enough, either. They were going to deal with her situation and then they were going to get on with their lives, which would involve smiling, a lot.

Hope pulled up the covers and leaned over to get something off the floor. He couldn’t see what it was, but whatever it was, it was going to cover her up and that wasn’t good.

“Nice try, slick, but no. Fun and games are for later.” The smile took the punch from her words.

He gave a heartfelt sigh that could be heard across the room and headed for the bathroom, slumped over in defeat, making sure to drag his feet.

He heard a giggle at his back and smiled secretly as he walked into the bathroom.

Yeah. He wanted more of that.

Luke was pure sinful temptation. Hope had to dig her fingernails into her palms to refrain from springing out of bed and hurling herself across the room at him. Why not? Just looking at him made her eyeballs boil. He was just so … fine. Those long lean lines, those broad shoulders and that lean waist, all muscle with not a molecule of fat on him … he was like a Platonic ideal of man. A couple of times in despair at her lack of fitness, Hope had joined a gym and there had been plenty of muscular men but their muscles had looked fake compared to Luke’s. Stuccoed on or glued on. Some were so muscle-bound they waddled.

Not Luke. Man, he moved like a panther — gracefully and without a wasted motion. And those muscles were real. He was real, too. A man with a heart and emotions he wasn’t afraid to express, unlike the nerds she knew, who had such abysmal social skills. Luke was a man, in the real sense of the term. Deep, mature, secure

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