Midnight Kiss (Men of Midnight #7) - Lisa Marie Rice Page 0,20

he listened to Hope and Felicity talk geek.

Christ. Deep math. He’d been good at math in school but not like this. This was scientist-level shit. Well, if Hope could help, that would be great. He knew the company was under attack at least three or four times a month. They did a lot of government work, kept a lot of secrets. Felicity had put a magic spell around their computers but the spell was breaking down.

He tuned back in.

“So the parameters change on a randomized basis, second by second. Basically it would take a quantum computer to crack it. I’ve got the whole thing on my laptop. I’ll send it to you as soon as we’re done.”

“Oh man.” Felicity breathed a sigh of relief. “If it works, we’ll be eternally grateful. Just name your price —”

Hope threw up her hands, though Felicity couldn’t see her, an expression of horror on her face. “No! God no! I can’t begin to thank you and your company for what you’re doing for me! Consider it a down payment on what I owe you. In fact —” she glanced at Luke. “I don’t know what the plan is for tomorrow, but if I have some down time could you throw some problems that you should be working on my way? I get itchy when I’m idle and I would love to help you out.”

Silence. “I don’t know …” Felicity said finally.

“You know my security clearance when we were at the NSA.” Hope put a wheedling note in her voice. “It was the highest possible. But at any rate, if you want, send me routine stuff, send me scut work, anything. Something. Have me do the cyber-equivalent of alphabetizing your spice rack, polishing your silver. Mopping the floors. Pleeeeeze?”

Luke didn’t smile because it wasn’t a smiling situation, but it was hard not to. Hope had hitched herself onto the arm of the couch, one leg swinging back and forth. She looked like a twelfth grader begging to go to the movies. She was irresistible.

Felicity didn’t resist.

“OK. I hate hate hate this, but I really can’t take care of our work load right now.” Luke heard Metal’s deep rumbling voice in the background. “Temporarily,” Felicity said firmly. “It’s just temporary. So yeah, if you can take care of some work for me, I’d be grateful.”

Hope pumped her fist. “Yes! Just send it over, I’ll take care of whatever you throw my way, and be grateful for it.”

“Don’t be too grateful, Hope.” Felicity was fading fast. Her voice was thready. Luke stood, knowing Metal would put an end to it in a moment. “One of the tasks is to analyze worldwide usage data for a new social media app that wants to replace Facebook. We’re expected to study the security aspect. It’s terabytes of data.”

“I eat terabytes of data for breakfast.” Hope had watched Luke rise and rose herself. “Listen, let’s get off the phone. I’m sending you my security software and you send me the Facebook wannabe data.” Her voice turned sober. “Take care of yourself.”

“As my husband would say, roger that.” The connection closed.

Still standing, Hope turned to Luke. She opened her mouth to say something but it turned into a gigantic yawn, instead.

“Okay, princess, time for bed,” Luke said. She blinked owlishly, nodded and picked up her laptop.

Like for Felicity, her laptop seemed to hold some kind of magical property for her, not to mention being a security blanket. Luke had serious respect for Felicity. She always did amazing work, did it fast, perfectly and with a smile. Everyone liked her a lot and depended on her more than they were comfortable admitting.

Maybe for a while they’d found themselves another Felicity. Dark-haired, green-eyed, smaller, but just as smart and just as nice.

And incredibly beautiful.

Luke shut that thought down immediately because his body responded in a rush of blood to his groin. A hard-on for a young woman who was locked up with him and whose life was in danger — maybe from her own father — wasn’t cool. He needed to keep it in his pants. Not that he’d had any problems reining it in at work before. But there was something about this fairy-like woman that got under his skin.

“Going to bed,” she mumbled and Luke stepped right in her way. There were things he had to tell her and she had to pay attention.

He stood in front of her long enough to get all of her attention. He needed to reassure her.


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