Midlife Ghost Hunter (Forty Proof #4) - Shannon Mayer Page 0,94

had done to the undead army. I put a fist to my belly, nausea threatening to make me spew. I still didn’t quite get their status. Alive. Dead. Undead.

“You won,” Marge said softly as she stepped out of the narrow hallway. “Not that I was really fighting with you.”

I stared at her, knowing there was only one reason I was here. “Where is Robert?”

“Your skeleton friend? You don’t want to know where your ex-husband is?” Marge looked at me, her skin that faint blue tone that made her look less than alive.

“I want Robert back,” I said. “Now.”

She grinned. “You can’t have them both.”

Was she serious? “So you’re going to keep Alan? And do what to him?”

“Well, now that he’s stuffed into one of those dead bodies, he can work for me. Fresh dead works best. Must replenish the army, you know.” She grinned, and I think she meant to make me feel bad.

I turned away so she couldn’t see my face. Because I didn’t think grinning at her would give me the upper hand. I cleared my throat and nodded, turning back. “Okay, you keep Alan and I’ll take Robert.”

She threw me a finger bone, and I caught it midair. Robert morphed from bone into a full-bodied, very alive looking human.

He caught me around the waist and put himself between me and Marge. “We have to go,” he said.

I didn’t argue. “Give Alan my love!” I yelled back at Marge. A flicker of humor crossed her face, as if she understood that I wasn’t all that fussed about leaving my ex behind, and found it funny.

Robert hurried me out of the door, took my hand, and then we were running through the streets. My leg didn’t hurt, my body wasn’t aching, and I was feeling pretty good. Best I’d felt in days, weeks maybe.

“Robert, stop, stop!” I said. “Why are we running?”

He slowed and turned to face me. We were in one of the squares of the city, the night air soothing, the smell of flowers filling the space between us as if we were actually there.

“Bree, I’m sorry,” he whispered, a look of horror on his face. “I couldn’t stop them from taking me.”

“Not your fault,” I said. “Robert, none of us realized how strong that necro was.”

He took both of my hands and lifted them to his mouth, kissing the backs of them in what was decidedly not a friend move.


“Robert, we are good. Honest. And I know where Gran is,” I said. “I’m going to get her as soon as I wake up.”

He nodded and dragged me to him, icy blue eyes locked on mine. “Good.”

Then he cupped my face with his hands and kissed me.


I didn’t say a word to anyone about the dream. Nor did I say anything about the kiss to Robert, who was back in his skeleton form at my side, swaying and whispering “friend.” Nor did I let myself think about how the kiss had made me feel.

How freaking amazing it had been.

Nope, I was not going there. I’d just said goodbye to Corb, and I did not need to replace him for another damn love triangle. With a dead man no less, talk about complicated.



But gawd damn, that kiss . . .

I swallowed hard, and even though it had been a dream kiss, I’d woken up hot and flushed, my body tingling all over. More than that, my magic was screaming loudly enough that I’d woken Crash.

Now here we were, back in Savannah. Suzy and Eric had gone with Charlotte and her mom to their home, Penny in tow. Penny would be the one to train her now, and whether the silver coven liked it or not, they were about to get their first new member in about thirty years.

Penny seemed to think she would be staying with Missy, but I had my doubts about how that would go down.

Corb was gone, no one knew where, and Sarge had taken over his loft to keep an eye on things until the siren got back. It looked like Jinx was still hanging around trying to get lucky with the werewolf.

And me? I was headed to the Hollows, limping still but not as badly.

I’d called ahead and Eammon was waiting for me. Tom was still staying with Missy, recuperating from the wraith attack.

Crash had come with me, much to the displeasure of Eammon, or so I gathered from the look on his face when we stepped onto the Hollows’ grounds.

“You had to

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