Midlife Ghost Hunter (Forty Proof #4) - Shannon Mayer Page 0,22

the hurricane that is. It sounds like you’re asking for trouble.” Sarge laughed at me, and I reached back and slapped his very bare leg. He kept laughing and I kept smacking him, but even through all that, I heard Corb.

“Yes. I’ll go with you,” he said softly as he put the car in gear, did a very illegal U-turn, which was beyond stupid considering we were on the run, and headed in the other direction on the highway.

We hadn’t been driving very long, maybe five minutes, before Sarge grabbed the back of Corb’s seat. “We’ve got company. I can hear them coming. I think they are ahead of us.”

I looked all around but didn’t see anything out of place. No cop cars. Nothing. It took a solid minute for me to hear them.


Another minute passed and a stream of cop cars crested the slight rise ahead of us, going in the opposite direction at what looked like Mach 3.

“One, two, three, four,” Kinkly counted. “Holy goddess, how badass do they think you are? There are seven cars!”

She wasn’t wrong. Corb’s hands went all white-knuckled on the wheel, and Sarge patted his shoulder until he visibly relaxed. “Easy, man. Easy. They’re looking for the van, not your car. At least, they aren’t looking for it yet.”

“They’re headed toward the cabin,” I said, sure of it in my gut, the same way I’d known Mr. Langley was actually Monica the realtor. “Did Roddy boy tip them off? Or did the council figure out the connection?” I wasn’t entirely sure, but it seemed inevitable he was behind this somehow. Of course, Roderick might have screwed up rather than actively betrayed us. People were fallible, limited by their own pride and belief in others. Just look at how Corb had slipped up.

“No idea,” Corb said.

Sarge leaned back a little farther and pulled up a blanket from the floor, wrapping it across his hips. “You sure it’s not just some regular old police call out?”

“Yes,” I rubbed at the back of my neck, feeling as though I’d dodged a bullet. “I’m absolutely sure.”

And after that I couldn’t quite relax.

The drive to Montgomery went smoothly . . . considering we had a homophobic ghost in the back seat, sandwiched between a naked gay werewolf and a river nymph who was getting dating tips from the fairy perched on her hand. Oh, and the siren in the driver’s seat kept throwing out waves of magic that washed over my skin, making me horny as hell. Damn it, this was not the place or time.

I tried sleeping to distract myself.

I tried thinking about almost dying.

I tried to think about where we’d find Gran in NOLA.

I tried staring out the window, but it was dark and there wasn’t a lot to see.

I tried breathing exercises to slow my rising libido, clamping my legs at the knees as if that would help.

“Are you having a heart attack?” Kinkly asked as she sat on the dashboard, her tiny legs kicking against it in staccato drum. “Or is this just how old ladies breathe when they are tired and want to get laid?”

I put my hand over my face. “Kinkly, shush—”

Alan made a choking sound in the back seat. “You’re horny? You almost died, and you’re thinking about getting laid by that troll back there?”

Sarge chuckled. “Honey, she ain’t thinking about Crash right now. That cousin of yours is seriously agitated, so his siren magic is swallowing us all up right now. Which means we all want to climb on him and go for a ride. Maybe all at the same time. Which could have its merits. Like a Corb sandwich.”

I dared a glance back because I had to see the look on Alan’s face as the realization hit him that Sarge was not straight. Did he know Corb was bi?

Alan’s face did not disappoint. It went from a look of confusion, to shock, to horror, and then he whipped around to tap his cousin on the shoulder. “Are you gay?”

I couldn’t help myself. I announced to the car, “Alan wants to know if Corb is gay.”

Kinkly giggled. “Oh goddess, this is seriously the most entertainment a girl could ask for on a Tuesday night. Please do answer him. Oh, I’ll answer for me, I swing both ways.”

Feish tapped her lower lip. “I like men, but I suppose the right woman could entertain me, though I don’t know what we would do with two cats. Would the two cats fight?”

I choked

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