Merry Measure - Lily Morton Page 0,36

and a black and cream checked shirt. I’m wearing my favourite pair of battered combat boots and even my hair has behaved. My hangover has largely vanished too, chased away by some more paracetamol. I have the potential to feel fully human, given enough time.

I spot the others standing outside, bundled up in coats and talking loudly, their breaths cold flumes in the air. Steven is standing slightly to one side. Unfortunately, Jack is with him.

Unnoticed, I’m able to look my fill. Jack never came back to our room, and I, of course, spent my time alone imagining the worst—visions of him reconciling with Steven and retiring to Steven’s room where they’d writhe together in a perfectly choreographed reunion that didn’t mess up their hair…

However, Jack shows no signs of a joyful reunion. Instead, he looks closed down, his face empty of all expression. My mouth twists as I notice his coat. It’s expensive and definitely not his, so I gather it’s Steven’s.

I bite my lip and stand up straight. Two seconds later, I’m pushing through the door with a smile pasted on my face.

“Alright?” I say.

Everyone turns towards me, apart from Steven, who is studiously ignoring me. Jack startles and looks at me with a funny expression I’ve never seen before. He makes an abrupt step in my direction, but Tom reaches me first and pulls me into a hug.

“Did you know Steven was coming?” he mutters into my ear as he pulls me into an alcove shielded from the others.

I keep the smile plastered to my face. “Of course, I didn’t. Why would I?” I say through my teeth.

“Because you and Jack are like peas in a pod on this holiday.”

“No, we aren’t,” I say defensively. “I don’t know his personal business.”

“Well, unfortunately for us, his personal business has decided to join us on holiday. I’m not fucking proposing while that sanctimonious twat is watching. He’d probably whip out his loupe to examine the stone in the ring.”

I grin at him. I’d forgotten how much Tom can’t stand Steven. “Well, as long as he doesn’t whip out anything else at the table.”

He makes a face. “I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s already trying to piss a circle around Jack.”

“Literally or figuratively?”

“Either way, I’d look out if I were you, Arlo.”

“Me? Why?”

“Well, he can’t stand you.”

“Yes, thank you, Tom. I do know that, but I’ve never been able to work out why. I mean, I know I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, but instant detestation is still a bit of a novelty.”

He stares at me, thinking hard. “I don’t know why,” he says slowly. “Although there must be a reason.”

I shift awkwardly and then smile in relief as Bee wanders over. He’s dressed in jeans and a Leeds University hoody under his parka and looks cute and cold. “Alright?” he asks. “Are we going? We missed breakfast, and I’m starving.”

Tom grins at him and kisses him gently. “You can have anything you want, my love.”

Bee raises his eyebrows. “Good heavens. If I’d known that, I’d never have settled for a plate of chips.”

“That’s probably the safer option with Tom,” I say.

Tom ruffles my hair, ignoring my usual protest. “I’ll just grab the others,” he says, returning to where Freddy and Diana stand leaning against each other and Jack and Steven are having a low-voiced conversation.

Bee slides his arm around me. “Alright?” he asks again, and there’s a wealth of sympathy in his voice. Once again, I’m grateful for Bee’s many facets. He’s the classic definition of a nerd, with his glasses and absent-minded air, but he’s also very observant and one of the kindest people I know. He just takes a while to warm up to people.

“Not really,” I admit. “I can’t believe Steven has turned up.”

He squeezes my waist. “Well, I wouldn’t be bothered about that if I were you.”

“What do you mean?”

He blinks behind his black-framed glasses. “There’s only one man in this group that Jack is looking at, and it’s not Steven.”

I look up to find Jack’s gaze on me. His eyes are dark with what looks very much like longing. I swallow hard, feeling my pulse pick up. Our gazes hold for a long second. When he gives me a tentative smile, it’s like the fucking sun coming up. I instantly smile back, and we’d probably have stood there grinning like fools, but Freddy calls to ask if we’re ready, and the group begins to move away from the hotel.

Bee grins at me as Copyright 2016 - 2024