A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1) - Katie Holland Page 0,8

pretty hot, but I was never going to tell anyone else that.

“Hey handsome, I hope it’s me that put that smile on your face,” some chick said to me, as she pressed her tits into my arm.

I hadn’t even seen her, but I wasn’t one to waste an opportunity. I got a good look at her. She was a few inches shorter than my six-foot frame. Long blonde hair, short skirt, and big tits. I called chicks like her California Barbie.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Does it really matter?”

“Nope. You want to get out of here?”

“I’m all yours,” she said in my ear.

Sometimes, I liked a challenge but when a chick this hot practically throws herself at me, I’d be a dumbass to turn her down. I took her hand and we left the party.

Once I got her clothes off, it wasn’t hard to convince her to let me take a picture of her sweet pussy. I had this bet in the bag. That four grand was going to be mine.

Chapter 7


I hadn’t heard Karma come home last night, but she was ready to go when I came out of my room in the morning. She was cutting up fruit for our morning smoothies. It was something we did every day before practice.

“What time did you get home?” I asked.

“I think it was around 2:00 am,” she told me with a smile.

“Did you have a good time?”

“Oh my God. I’m loving these California guys. I see you made it home okay.”

“Yep, had a little help though,” I told her about putting Major on his knees than walking me home. “You should have seen the look in his face. He was so surprised. One second his hand was on my arm, and the next he was looking up at me. It was awesome.”

Karma laughed. “I’d have paid to see that. So, did you invite him up?”

“Are you kidding? Even though he walked me home, it doesn’t mean he’s a gentleman and my opinion hasn’t changed. I still think he’s a dick.”

“Fine, fine,” Karma said, putting her hands up in surrender. “Want me to tell you about my night?”

“Sure.” Anything to get off the subject of Major.

We made our smoothies and Karma told me about her night, and she left nothing out. Her mouth was just as dirty as any guy I ever knew. More than once I told her she could write erotica. We drank our smoothies and grabbed our swim bags. It was a nice walk over to the swim complex. We were probably among only a handful of students up at this hour on a Saturday morning.

I breathed in the scent of the pool and started to get pumped up. The water invigorated me. Karma and I went and changed then we were ready to start.

It always took me a few days to get used to a new coach, but I liked Coach Cross from our first meeting. There were eleven other women on the team and twenty on the men’s team. From what I could tell, sometimes we were going to practice together and it looked like today was one of those days.

I was stretching when Wes came over to me. I’d long since gotten used to guys looking at me in my swimsuit and was a pro at ignoring it. Wes watched me and I pretended he wasn’t there. For someone who was a competitive swimmer, it was kind of against the unwritten rules for guys to stare at the girls.

I finished my stretches and waited for Coach Cross to tell us what we were going to do today. I was anxious to get in the water. It had been over two weeks since I swam, and I was itching to get back at it. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long.

“Good morning everyone,” Coach said. “Today we’re going to do some time trials. We like to get a sense of where you are and how much you’ll improve. We’re going to start with the 100m freestyle. Line up as I call your name.”

I watched as my fellow swimmers were called. I was looking forward to seeing how fast we all were. Watching them line up got my adrenalin pumping. I loved this part, the anticipation of competing. Even though this wasn’t an official competition, I was competing against my teammates. The gun fired and the splashing started. Everyone was fast, but the guys had beat the girls in this case. My goal was to beat the guys.


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