A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1) - Katie Holland Page 0,37

up. I took a second to clean up the floor. She still hadn’t said anything.

“Kayleigh, say something.” I was worried that it had been too much for her and I couldn’t take it back.

“I … uh … I … that was … that was better than on the phone.”

I smiled knowing what she meant but was still worried I’d gone too far.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Yeah, but I think I need Major Bunny now.”

I let out a full on belly laugh. As usual, she had surprised me.

“I could help you with that you know,” I said with a wink.

“I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.”


“Yeah, you know the whole future is full of possibilities thing.”

I laughed again. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

We left the bathroom and rejoined the party. She was about to walk away, when I stopped her. I just had to know something.

“Kayleigh,” I whispered in her ear. “Are you wet?”

I was close enough that I could feel her cheek get hot, but she answered me.

“Yes,” she said, and walked into the crowd.

Fuck me, I was in trouble.

Chapter 27


I walked around looking for Karma. I hadn’t wanted to come, but now I was really glad I did. I still couldn’t believe what just happened. I’d never seen anything so hot in my life.

I finally found Karma dancing with some guy I didn’t know. I wondered what happened to Travis, but I figured now wasn’t the time to ask. I got her attention and told her I was headed home. She tried to convince me to stay, but I told her I was tired and wanted to go to bed. She hugged me and went back to dancing.

I was headed to the front door when I ran into Wes.

“Hey, Kayleigh.”

“Oh hi, Wes. Good swimming today.”

“You too. Can I get you a drink or something?” he asked.

“No. I’m actually headed back to the dorm. I’ll see you Monday.”

“Let me walk you. I was thinking about leaving here anyway.”

I was sure that wasn’t true, but I figured it was no use arguing. I knew I could handle myself, but most people didn’t believe me until I had to show them. Being a girl always made people underestimate me. Just because I wasn’t six feet tall didn’t mean I couldn’t do some damage. Wes saw me to my dorm and left. I suspected he was going back to the party, but what he did wasn’t my concern.

My mind was still on Major. I could honestly say I’d never seen anything like that before. The live version was a hundred times better than the link he’d sent me a few days ago. I was still turned on, but also curious as to why he’d done it, so I decided I ask him.

Me: The show you put on earlier, was that for my benefit or yours?

I didn’t expect to hear back from him until tomorrow, since he was at the party, so I was surprised when my phone dinged.

Major: Both. Can I assume you’re still thinking about it?

Me: You can assume that correctly

Major: I’m still thinking about it too. Watching you watch me was hot Kayleigh.

Me: Really? Surely you’ve done that before?

Major: No. It’s just usually sex and nothing else.

Me: So why did you do that with me?

Major: Because I wanted to

Me: But why? I’m sure you could have found some hot chick to have sex with.

Major: I’m sure I could have, but I knew it was something you wanted to see and I thought it would help you. And it was hot, Kayleigh, really hot. Just thinking about it is making me hard again. Have you used Major Bunny yet?

Me: I’ve only been home for a few minutes.

Major: Are you going to?

Me: I think so

Major: Can I watch?

I laughed.

Me: No. Lol!

Major: The future is full of possibilities right

Me: You never know

Major: Are you in your room?

Me: Yes

Major: Is Major Bunny ready to play

Me: Yes

Major: Are you still wet?

Me: Yes

Major: If you’re still dressed I think this would be a good time to get naked

Me: I’m ready

Major: Tell me exactly where you are and what you’re doing

Me: I’m lying on my bed on top of the covers on my back

Major: Are you completely naked?

Me: Yes

Major: Send me a picture

I laughed at that. I took a picture of my knees and hit send.

Major: Not what I had in mind but you do have nice knees

Major: No more stalling. Get busy.

Me: So sexy lol! I can’t text and play with Major Bunny

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