A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1) - Katie Holland Page 0,14

a grin at me and I was left speechless. Luckily for me, the professor walked in and started class.

He gave us instructions on where and how to login to his course notes on the school’s system. There was an overview of what we would be doing that semester and then we were dismissed. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but that wasn’t it.

As I packed up my laptop, I noticed Major looking at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You look disappointed or something.”

“I guess I wasn’t expecting to come here for only a few minutes.”

“I take it you don’t have any older brothers or sisters that went to college,” he said.

“Nope, I’m an only child.”

He grinned at me. “That explains why you’re so stuck up all the time.”

I heard Karma let out a laugh beside me. I wanted to be mad at him, but the look on his face made it almost impossible.

“Yep, I guess that’s right,” I said. “And what does having siblings have to do with this short class?”

“I have a cousin that started college last year. I remember him saying that the first day of class you get your syllabus and class info and then the class is pretty much done for the day.”

“Huh. Well, thanks for the info I guess.”

I followed Karma out of the room. I noticed that Major was right behind me. “Please tell me that you don’t have Algebra at 11:00,” I said to him, when we walked out of the building.

He grinned. “Nope, but now I was wishing I did. See you around,” he said, and walked away.

“I just can’t figure him out,” I said to Karma, as I watched him walk away.

“Maybe he’s not as big of an asshole as you think he is. I mean, he did agree to help us learn to surf.”

“Maybe,” I said reluctantly. I wasn’t normally one to judge people so quickly, but I had him pegged as a dick from the moment I met him. Could I be wrong about that?

“I don’t have class now until 11:00,” I said to Karma. I guess I’ll go back to our room and hang out until then.”

“Okay,” she said, “I’ll see you later.”

“Be good,” I told her. She just laughed at me and walked to find her next class.

After my second class of the day, I went to one of the cafeterias on campus. I found a place to eat and pulled out my eReader. I’d only turned two pages when someone got my attention.

“May I join you?” It was Wes.

“Sure.” I kind of wanted to be alone, but I didn’t want to sound rude.

“You were great at practice the other day,” Wes said to me.

“Uh, thanks.”

“How long have you been swimming?”

“Since I was three.”

“Wow. That’s a pretty early start. I didn’t take my first lesson until I was six. Mom told me it took her forever to convince me to get in the water, but once I did I loved it.”

“That’s great.”

I wasn’t very good at small talk with strangers, which was why I didn’t talk to people. But it turned out that I didn’t need to be in this case. Wes talked almost nonstop for thirty minutes. I added a few comments here and there, but nothing that amounted to very much. He was from Dallas, his parents were divorced, and he had a younger brother and sister. His brother swam like him, but his sister preferred gymnastics. He’d had a few girlfriends in high school but was now single. His best friend was taking engineering at a school in Texas. There was more random stuff that I don’t remember now.

“Sorry if I’ve been talking your ear off. I do that when I’m nervous.”

That got my attention. “Why are you nervous?”

“I always get nervous when I talk to a hot girl for the first time.”

I snorted out a laugh but stopped when I saw the look on his face. “Oh wait, you’re serious.” He nodded and I didn’t know what to say. “Oh … um … thanks?”

That had him smiling again. “You don’t seem very used to getting compliments,” he said.

“I guess I’m not, I never know what to say.”

“But, I’m sure people tell you all the time how good of a swimmer you are.”

“Yes they do,” I said.

“Those are compliments.”

“But that’s different. I did something to earn that. I didn’t do anything to earn being called hot,” I said, and wasn’t fishing for another compliment. I dressed this way to blend into the crowd, not stand out

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