Merlin's Blade - By Robert Treskillard Page 0,149

(AT-lee / at-lee-OOH-thun) The king of Guotodin in the far north when Owain visited there; his fortress was at Dinpelder. He is Gwevian’s father and Merlin’s grandfather. In legend he is known as King Lleuddun*.

Aurelianus* — (ow-rell-ee-AH-noos) The former High King, Uther’s father, and Arthur’s grandfather. He slew Vitalinus Gloui to revenge his father’s murder.

Bedwir* — (BED-weer) A chieftain under Vortigern.

Bel’s High Day of Fire — The druid rite performed near the beginning of May each year. Also known as Beltayne*, it is dedicated to the druid god Belornos.

Belornos — (bel-OAR-noss) An ancient god of the Celts, personal god of Mórganthu, and god of the underworld. In Merlin’s Blade he is represented by the moon in the night sky. Normally spelled Belenos*, here his name is embedded with lor, which means “moon,” and nos, which means “night.”

Boscawen* — (boss-CAW-en) Kernow’s most sacred circle of stones. It is the home of the arch brihem, Trothek’s friend. Near modern-day Penzance*.

Bosvenna Abbey — (bos-VENN-ah) An abbey of the Celtic church, which was created by the missionary efforts of early Christians in Britain, Ireland, and Scotland — Pádraig (Saint Patrick) being one of the first. Bosvenna* (or Bos-menegh) means “the abiding place of monks.” There is another older abbey to the west established by Guron.

Bosvenna Moor — (bos-VENN-ah) The highland area in central Kernow, covered with forests and marshes. Before the monks came, it was known as Tir Gwygoen, “land of the woodland moor.” Today it is called Bodmin Moor* and is cleared for grazing.

Bosventor — (bos-VEN-tore) The village and fortress built upon the slopes of the mountain called Meneth Gellik, it was established six years after the abbey. South of modern-day Bolventor*, Cornwall, an actual iron-age village and fortress existed at this exact location.

Brihem — (BRIH-hem) The order of judges within the wider order of the druidow. There are five regular brihemow, and one arch brihem, making a total of six who vote. The arch druid and arch fili also vote. In olden times, the chief bard and High King were included in the vote, if present, but these offices have been abandoned by the druidow because they fell into the hands of the Christians. Alternative spellings are Brithem* or Brehon*.

Brinnoc — (BRINN-ock) Trevenna’s uncle, who lives in Oswistor.

Brioc — (BREE-ock) A shepherd and farmer who lives in the village of Bosventor.

Britain — (BRIH-ten) The land occupied by the people who speak various forms of the ancient Brythonic* language south of the River Forth*.

Brunyek — (BRUN-yeck) An oat farmer in the village.

Bysall — (BY-sall) A small coin of Kernow, usually a ring of brass or iron. Bysallow is the plural, and it takes eight to equal one silver coynall.

Caygek — (KAY-gek) A fili loyal to Trothek who does not follow Mórganthu. He leads a secret resistence. He is named Cai* in the Arthurian legends.

Colvarth — (COAL-varth) This is the name taken by the Chief Bard of Britain, who serves High King Uther. Colvarth, which means “criminal bard,” was originally meant as a druid epithet against him after he converted to Christianity. He took the name as his own, however, to remind himself of his culpability before God. His given name is known to only a few.

Connek — (CON-neck) A young thief who hangs around the village. Owain and Merlin recently caught him stealing and sent him to Tregeagle for judgment.

Constans* — (CON-stans) A former High King. He is Uther’s grandfather and father to Aurelianus. Murdered by Vitalinus Gloui for the throne of Britain.

Coynall — (COIN-all) A single sided coin of Kernow made from silver. It is worth eight bysallow, and it takes three coyntallow to make one screpall.

Crogen — (CROW-gen) The head scribe at the abbey. He is a bit portly. Becomes the new abbot.

Crom Cruach* — (crom CREW-ack) An ancient Celtic god of sacred mounds. He is represented by the sun.

Culina* — Latin for “kitchen,” from which we get the word culinary.

Denarius* — A small silver coin of the Roman empire. Equivalent to a Kernow screpall. Denarii is the plural.

Dinas Crag — A rocky hillfort in Rheged, north of Kembry, where Owain is from. His father was once the chieftain, but now his older brother, Ector, rules there. Modern-day Castle Crag*.

Dinpelder — (din-PELL-dehr) The abode ruled by King Atleuthun when Owain visited there. This is east of Dineidean (Edinburgh*) in modern-day Scotland and is known today as Traprain Law*. Dinpelder means “fortress on a steep hill.”

Dintaga — (din-TA-guh) The fortress of Gorlas, king of Kernow. Dintaga means “the strangled fortress” and is Copyright 2016 - 2024