Merlin's Blade - By Robert Treskillard Page 0,146

the wind. Natalenya moved closer.

Soon the water boiled just beyond the rocks.

He stepped in front of her and yanked his father’s sword from its sheath, falling into a defensive half crouch.

The water bubbled, and a dark shape broke the surface, rising before them.

Natalenya pulled at Merlin’s arm even as his heart beat swiftly. Though much evil had come to his family at this site, yet he wasn’t afraid. “No. Wait.”

The creature glided through the water toward them and stopped at the shore.

It was a woman.

Her skin glimmered with a silver hue, and her long red hair hung down to the water. Her emerald wrap glittered, and upon her neck rested a torc of gold inlaid with pure, bright stones. Her slightly webbed hands were held out in greeting, and she smiled at Merlin and Natalenya.

He fell to his knees as though struck, dropped his sword, and reached out to her. The woman took his hand and raised him back to his feet.

“Merlin,” she said, and the sound of her voice jumped through the air like a spring of water in a full and happy rush from its dark confine.

“I … I …” was all he could say.

“Ya need speak nothing. It is I, yer mother, freed from my long years of slavery. Ya have broken the power of those who took, changed, and held me in service. It was I in the vision, the woman in chains. I was to die after a new servant had been chosen.” At this she nodded to Natalenya. “Until ya freed us both.”

“Mother …” He shook his head. “But … that wasn’t real. I know it felt real to me, but that was a vision. It didn’t happen, right?”

“A vision is a great mystery. Perhaps but chaff blown to ya from God to reveal the deep things of the world. And so heed the vision and beware! Ya think the Stone is slain, but ‘tis not so, for the Stone is not what it appears to be.”

Merlin rose, and looking upon the cherished face of his mother, he embraced her. “Father died,” he choked out.

“I know. But ya canna hold me. I was changed by the Stone to serve it all these long years, and though I am free, I must go back to the lake. I am bound to live here amid the waters until the day God takes me home or changes me back.”

“And I … we must go.”

“There is little time. But I must lay charges upon ya. First, protect the babe and ensure he is taken to safety. Then, and only then, go to my father Atleuthun’s fortress in the kingdom of the Guotodin and undo that which has been done.”

“How will I know what to do?”

“Ya will know.”

Merlin nodded.

“Ride now and do not delay!”

She kissed him and smiled at Natalenya, then dropped below the waters until no trace of her remained.

The bushes clawed at their faces and arms as Merlin and Natalenya pressed through to reach the horses. Troslam stood ready with his spear, while Colvarth and Garth held the reins of their mounts.

“You have been … slow, and we must flee!” Colvarth said as he handed Arthur to Natalenya. “Many leagues must separate us from … Vortigern before we make camp.”

“I beg your forgiveness, bard, yet I have one last thing.” And turning to Troslam, Merlin said, “My sister is running loose, and Mônda cannot take care of her. Would you and Safrowana find her and see that her needs are met?”

Troslam bowed to Merlin. “Colvarth has temporarily put into my care the two orphaned daughters of Uther and Igerna — to keep them secret while you flee with Arthur — and we will have little room in our house. Yet you have saved our village, and I will do so as if she were my own daughter.”

“Here is my father’s money. Take it for Gana, and her mother if need be. Here also is my father’s ring. If necessary, use it as proof that I’ve given you authority to take care of my sister.”

Troslam nodded.

The small group led their horses through the trees and brush until it thinned enough to mount. Since the horses were all stallions, bred and trained for war, they needed a firm hand to get them to obey. Riding hard, the company turned north upon a track that followed the dwindling stream, and they stayed to this path until it ended at the main road, which ran through the northern part of Kernow. Copyright 2016 - 2024