Merger to Marriage (Boardrooms and Billi - By Addison Fox Page 0,25

family run with you is a point in your favor.”

Holt measured his words. He’d worked a long time to be considered for Craddick’s inner circle, and he knew he deserved to be there on his own merit. But he also knew smart-mouthing the man wouldn’t win him any points if he had any hope of salvaging the deal. “I don’t run with them, sir. Her brother-in-law is one of my closest friends. Has been for a long time.”

“Doesn’t mean it doesn’t speak well of you.”

Holt supposed that was true, but the idea that he was suddenly worthy of Craddick’s consideration rubbed him raw.

Without warning, an image of his mother rose up in his mind’s eye. He’d spent his entire career—hell, his entire life—working to get away from her influences. She’d tried to destroy him, and he had vowed a long time ago he’d never live his life in a way that cast questions on his integrity. Or where he came from. Those things might have made him cold, but they’d also made him a man who brokered an honest deal.

With that reality came another snapping at its heels.

His mother would find out about the baby. And with that knowledge, she’d finally have a pawn against him. All the years he’d worked to get away from her and her influence—all the time he’d spent erasing the stink of her off his life—would vanish when she knew he had something in his life she could use against him.

As if he’d suddenly grown tired of the discussion, Teddy stood and walked for the door. The urge to convince him to stay was strong, but Holt was still trying to get a handle on the odd direction of their conversation. “You need a wife, Turner. Someone who matters to you more than a balance sheet. Until you find that, you’ll never be the best. And people who are the best know that.”

Mayson dropped onto a bench in a small gazebo that stood on the edge of the property. Keira and Nathan were impeccable hosts, but the oppression of being “on” and making small talk had taken its toll. All she wanted was a few minutes to herself.

The heavy lap of waves could be heard, an oddly calming counterpoint to the sounds of the partygoers on the lawn. She slipped off her shoes and pulled her bare feet up under her bright silk sundress. As she hugged her knees to herself, the thought hit her that she’d not be able to do that much longer as her belly grew round with the baby.

A baby.

God, it was still so hard to take in. She was going to be someone’s mother.

“Mind if I join you?”

Holt’s voice washed over her, and she dropped her feet back to the smooth, wooden plank floor. “No.”

A small smile ghosted his lips as he took a seat next to her on the bench. “No you don’t mind, or no I can’t join you?”

“No, I don’t mind.” They sat in silence for several minutes. Despite the quiet, Mayson couldn’t shake the sense Holt was trying to say something.

“I’m sorry for my reaction to the baby.”

She turned to face him, but all she could see was his profile, painted by moonlight. “It’s a surprise.”

“A good one. And my reaction suggested otherwise. I’m sorry.”

“I accept your apology.” She stared at him in the moonlight, the urge to touch him strong, but still she held back. They were attracted to each other, of that she had no doubt. And they were having a child. But despite those things—or maybe because of them—she didn’t feel she could act on her natural impulse to offer care or comfort or concern.

She watched as a play of emotions crossed his features before he finally spoke again. “Teddy Craddick won’t do a deal with me because I’m not married.”


“I’m not worthy of his business because I’m not a married man. I clearly don’t value the benefits of family, and I’m a cold-hearted bastard.”

“He said that to you?”

“Most of it. I added the bastard part.”

“He said you were cold-hearted?”

“He suggested I didn’t have a heart. Again, I’m editorializing.”

Mayson stood and crossed to the far side of the gazebo, her gaze focused on the shoreline in the distance. “He had no right to say that to you.”

“If we’re being fair, I did ask.”

“Ask what?” She whirled on Holt. “To be insulted?”

“I asked him what it would take to do a deal together. He seems to think my spending time with you is a Copyright 2016 - 2024