Merger to Marriage (Boardrooms and Billi - By Addison Fox Page 0,14

was invited to the wedding.

“I closed that deal for him.”


“It was one of my firm’s larger deals.”

She didn’t miss the pride in his voice, or the clear reluctance to say much beyond the basics.

“It’s massive, Holt. He’s building a monstrosity.”

“It’ll be a very lucrative monstrosity when he’s done with it.”

“The size and scope of it is mind-boggling.” She didn’t have many details about the hotel, but the few things she did know had built an image in her mind of large, ornate towers, a vast gaming area, and rooms outfitted in luxurious trappings. She’d already gained Nathan’s commitment to let her in to photograph a multi-part series on the construction, the selection of the décor, and the shops and restaurants they’d feature.

“Nathan and I get along because we both think big. The project would have hardly been interesting if he wanted to build a four-story inn.”

“No, I suppose not.”

The comment about thinking big had a small detail drumming at the back of her mind. “Were you responsible for that building in Dubai? The one with the beach and exotic animals in the lobby.”


“The management of the animals alone must be a nightmare.”

For the first time since she’d come upon him along the shore, she could see his shoulders relax as a grin split his face. “It did involve some logistics that had me stretching my skills.”

“Lions and tigers. Who’d have thought?”

“Don’t forget the jaguar and the cheetah, too.”

“Well, by all accounts, you’ve made quite an impression. The hotel is considered both exotic and luxurious. Animal rights organizations have held it up as a modern, innovative way to care for recovering animals.”

“That was the goal.” That laser-sharp gaze stayed level on hers. “You seem to know quite a bit about it.”

“I saw photo proofs yesterday. We’re featuring the hotel in an upcoming article in our travel title, Travel Adventures. The photographer couldn’t stop talking about what a great time he had there. Las Vegas must seem tame by comparison.”

“Oh, I don’t know. Vegas has more going for it than gambling and showgirls. Part of the fun for me is finding what’s next.”

“Always trying to out-do yourself.”

“You sound like you know the feeling.”

“You’ve just summed up the magazine business in a nutshell. We’re always trying to up the stakes. Make the next issue better. The next web piece more innovative.”

Holt stopped and turned toward her. She was struck once more by the breadth of his shoulders and the hard lines of his jaw. “By all accounts, you’re doing a stunning job of it.”

“Thank you.”

A heavy shout from the line of houses at their backs had them both turning, and Mayson saw her brother-in-law, Nathan, waving at them.

She lifted her hand in a wave, the interruption welcome, even as she admitted to herself she wanted to stay in Holt’s orbit for as long as possible. “The barbecue’s starting soon. We should get back.”

“Probably.” He laid a hand on her arm, the simple gesture enough to shoot a wash of heat through her body no amount of water at her feet could cool.

She nodded before turning and walking toward the house and the sanctuary it offered from his knowing gaze.

Holt was still thinking about the puzzle that was Mayson Elizabeth McBride later that night as he and Nathan swirled Scotch and smoked cigars in a small study on the second floor.

“These might be cliché,” Nathan held up his cigar, “but I could care less. Damn, there’s nothing like a good cigar.”

“You won’t get any arguments from me.”

“I’m glad you were able to pull yourself away from your commitments and join us for the weekend. Keira’s glad, too.”

“I wouldn’t miss it. Besides, who can argue with a weekend away at the beach? Like this cigar, it just works.” The satisfied look on his friend’s face had Holt shifting gears. “You’re happy.”

Nathan leaned forward, his look conspiratorial as he set his glass on the small table that bookended the oversized chairs they sat on. “Don’t tell anyone, all right?”

“Scout’s honor.”

“You were never a boy scout.”

“No, but I am a friend and I know the code. Your secret’s safe with me. I’m not sure it’s really a secret, though.”

“How’s that?”

“That goofy-ass grin you sport every time you look at your new wife is sort of a dead giveaway.”

Nathan laughed at that, his smile broad and unrepentant. “You’re probably right. You should consider getting one.”

“A goofy-ass grin?”

“No, smart ass. A wife.”

Holt wanted to think it was a shame. Wanted to rant and rail that his friend had sold Copyright 2016 - 2024