Mercy (Somerset University #3) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,8

the army Ryder’s family employs know that something is off. If one of our sisters goes missing, we won’t rest until we know for sure they are where we’re told they are. Doesn’t make for a smooth kidnapping. While we’re around, the Sallys will be safe.”

“You’re right,” I said, injecting steel into my voice. “If a sister is so much as one day late coming back from summer break, I’m hunting her down. They are not getting another president to look the other way.”

“Or a president’s best friend.”

I leaned on her shoulder, thankful for the millionth time that Sofia had my back.

“We’re going into our junior year of college. Everyone else is gearing up for a summer conked out by the pool, and you and I are unraveling kidnapping plots. Sounds nuts when I say it out loud.”

She laughed. “That’s because it is, my friend. Our lives have been a roller coaster of weird since we met on the steps of Evergreen Academy. I blame you.”

“What?” I cried, bursting out laughing. “It’s not my fault. I’m dragged into it, I tell you. Dragged.”

“Uh-huh.” A smirk played at her lips. “Well, how about this? It’s officially the first day of summer vacation. The Sally house is basically deserted and your presidential duties are on hold. The Sallys and Sams are safe in their homes. Teagan and Sawyer are alive. We have a break from worrying and stressing out about the secrets of Greek Row. For the next three months, let’s cram so much normal summer fun into our lives that we’re begging for weird by September.”


We shook and linked pinkies over it.

My smile dimmed over our hands. “Can I bring up one more thing before we close the door on the topic?”


“If Aiden is keeping the notes on the Sams, was Leighton doing it for the Sallys?” An edge leeched into my tone. “And after she left... did someone else take over?”

“You believe one of the Sallys is watching everything we eat, say, and do?” She shuddered. “If someone was clocking us like that, wouldn’t we notice?”

I shook my head. “The way our bonding, house, and physical activities are set up, we’re always in each other’s faces. How would we know if someone was paying a little more attention than needed during the basketball game?”

Sofia considered it, eyes losing focus as the full implication that we were being watched set in, and she cringed like she felt their eyes on her then.

“I don’t want to think about that right now,” she cried. “The moratorium begins this second. You and I are relaxing today and for the next three months. Shopping, barbecues, movie nights, the whole thing.”

I nodded along, taking my worries and locking them in the corner of my mind to be obsessed over as I lay in bed teetering on the brink of wakefulness and sleep.

“All I want to do right now is ride horses with my godson. He’s gonna look so cute on top of Cinnamon in his full gear. Just wait till you see. I got him a helmet with his name on it.”

My bobblehead jerked to a halt as that penetrated. “On top of Cinnamon?”

Sofia scurried off.

“Wait! Sof, he’s too young to ride a horse!”

“Try and stop us, mama bear!”

I squawked, tearing after my insane best friend.


Caroline and I gushed over photos of Adam and Cinnamon on the terrace that night over a glass of wine (for her) and apple cider (for me).

Caroline’s laugh tinkled into the evening. “Just look at that smile. That boy is going to break hearts with that smile alone, Val. Make no mistake.”

I sighed. “I’ve accepted it. My baby reduced old ladies to puddles just by giggling in his stroller. I can’t believe he’s turning six.”

“I can’t believe you let him ride Cinnamon,” she teased.

“I let him sit on Cinnamon while she remained completely still,” I corrected. “After Sofia’s wheedling, and Adam throwing me his big eyes, I broke down.”

“It was worth it. Adam looks so happy. I tried to get Ryder interested in riding but he said he’d be asking for a lifetime taunted with bad puns with a name like his. Even as a little boy, my son was a wily one.”

I chuckled. “Sounds like our Ryder. I never asked. How did you choose his name?”

“Ryder was... the name of someone very special to me.”

The thought crossed my mind to ask if that someone was Ryder’s true father. I kept it on the tip of my Copyright 2016 - 2024