Mercy (Somerset University #3) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,37

the file doesn’t say. Just because Aiden didn’t collect information on them doesn’t mean they’re in on it.”

“But we know there is a ‘they’ who is a part of this somehow and some way,” I reminded. “I’ll assume it’s them until another batch of shady guys hanging around with Aiden and giving him seventy-thousand-dollar cars for no good reason, turns up.” I inclined my head. “I’ll also admit it can’t stop with them. Sofia and I rounded up a lot of names we couldn’t track down. This has been going on longer than your new friends have been around.”

“It’s like you said, Val. Tradition. They may not have started, but they could be carrying on a scheme another Sally or Sam thought of. It’s not like we haven’t seen something like this before.”

A chill skittered up my spine.

Maverick flipped onto his back. “But why Sawyer?” he asked, mostly to himself. “If those guys are behind this, why have Sawyer taken off the street? Where has he really been all of this time? And why, when he comes back, would he hook up with the men who kidnapped him? Unlike the rest of them, Sawyer is in that file. If there’s a club, he joined it late.”

“Maybe his and Teagan’s silence about what truly happened is their admittance into the club.”

“They lost over a year of their life. Would playing poker and fucking in a basement be worth that to you?”

“Definitely not. There has to be more to it than that. Money,” I declared, “and probably a lot of it.”

“I have to find out what’s really going on here, Val. Whatever this is, it’s not good.”

“The sticking point for me is why it has to be you?”

“I’m in with them.”

“They let you in,” I corrected. “Invited you into their odd game out of nowhere. I’m supposed to believe Aiden doesn’t have another motive? He has a hidden agenda behind going to the toilet. You’re not a Sam, Maverick. Why would Aiden need a guy who is suspicious of him to be his seventh?”

“I can only find out by playing along.”

I huffed, dropping my head back on the pillow. “Are you seeing how that’s an extraordinarily bad idea? Please tell me you are.”

Maverick took my hand and placed it on his chest. His heart pumped a steady rhythm beneath my fingers, seeking me through his ribcage. I couldn’t tell you why that soothed me in every argument we had. All the same, it did.

“It’s not by chance they’re dragging me into this. The play is obvious. If they can get me on board, I—and therefore you—will drop it. The trick is to let them think their play is working.”

“You’re not doing this without me.”

Nala barked, chiming in with her determination to not be left out either.

Maverick shut us both down. “Nope. I won’t let you deeper into this than you already are.”

“Come on, love. I’m your girlfriend. Aiden is assuming you’re telling me every detail of what they get up to. He thinks I’m deep in this, so why shouldn’t I be?”


“You told me they have their girlfriends, dates, and duchesses down there with them. Give me one good reason I can’t be there too.”

“Because excluding that one time Ezra and I double fingered you in the back seat—”

My face lit on fire at the memory.

“—group sex isn’t my thing.”

I swatted him with a pillow. “I wasn’t suggesting we get naked with them. We’ll dip out when they unroll the condoms.”

“Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

“Ooooh,” I crowed. “Now that I’m on board, it’s not a good idea?”

“We don’t know how dangerous these guys are yet. Granted Teagan and Sawyer came back without a scratch. It still doesn’t prove they’re not above hurting people.” He grasped my chin in a gentle grip. “And no one is hurting you.”

“Of course not. Because you’ll have my back and I’ll have yours. This is the only way we do this, Maverick.” I spoke over his oncoming refusal. “Say yes.”

He argued some more. Insisted it wasn’t safe and the best place for me was a thousand miles away from Aiden Connelly. I held firm.

“Okay,” he finally said. “Yes.”

Nala barked her acceptance.


“It was magic. I’m serious. I’m pretty sure there were fairies flitting through the trees and sprites swimming under the waterfall. It was almost impossible to leave.”

“Wow. Your boyfriend just whisked you away out of the blue?” Kendra sighed over her bowl of ground beef mush. “Where do I find these romantics? I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024