Mercy (Somerset University #3) - Ruby Vincent Page 0,22

our bedroom?”

“’Fraid so. Mom signed up for one extra dog. Not a new mother and a litter of puppies. They’re our problem now. At least until her friend gets back from vacation.”

I stroked her swollen belly. Her tail wagged, basking in the attention. “What’s her name?”

“Nala,” said Adam. “Mommy, can we keep the puppies? Please, please, please.”

“They’re not ours to keep. Plus, we already have a cat.”

“Cara is Cara’s,” he said, matter-of-fact. “The puppies will be mine.”

But somehow the boys and I will be the ones taking care of them.

“We’ll see.” I picked him up. “Come on, baby. Let’s get washed up for dinner.”

We left Nala to ponder the life choices that left her spitting out puppies on a stranger’s bedroom floor and went down to eat. After dinner, Ezra and I got Adam ready for bed and curled up next to him until he fell asleep.

“I hear Ryder’s whisking you away to Costa Rica.” Ezra shut Adam’s door behind us. “I’m starting to think you and I are due for a vacation.”

“I like you thinking that.”

“My dad wants me to visit over winter break. Come with me. We’ll get a hotel and I’ll visit them during the day and explore you”—he hooked my waist and spun me into his chest—“at night.”

My breath ghosted over his lips. “I hear your proposition and raise you a stopover in Paris. I’ve always wanted to visit during wintertime... and get frisky under a certain landmark.”

His growl rumbled from the pit of his chest. “I accept your terms, Valentina Moon.”

Ezra and I parted at Maverick’s door. I wanted to check in with him and the newest addition to the Shea home.

Maverick was where he was most nights—sitting up in bed bent over his laptop. He was also dressed in his usual bedtime attire. Soft knit pants and a sleeveless tee that showed off what his regular clothes did little to hide, but concealed enough to be criminal. The dips and ridges of his sculpted body turned simple pajamas into sinful seduction.

My thoughts threatened to veer X-rated if it wasn’t for the black and white dog chilling on his ankles.

“I don’t think so, Nala. You want someone to snuggle up with, find the one that knocked you up. This man’s mine.”

Maverick burst out laughing. “You’ve got four of us. Maybe you could share just this once.”

“Nope.” I jumped on the bed, bouncing them both. “Where did you put her bed?”

“In the closet. It’s bigger than the average two-bedroom apartment, so she’ll be comfortable. With me, you, Adam, the guys, and the housekeepers running in and out of here, she needs a quiet place to be with her puppies.”

“You know all about this stuff.” I mimicked Nala’s position, resting against his thigh. “How often does your mom stick you with pregnant dogs?”

“We had a lot of pets growing up mostly because I kept bringing home strays. We had enough room and money to take care of them, so my parents felt bad about sending them to a shelter. Even so, they made it clear whatever I brought through the door was my responsibility. Including the pregnant Labrador retriever I rescued when I was twelve.”

Maverick threaded our fingers together. “It was good for me to have them. When... it was happening... there were times when my dogs were the only thing that could make me smile. When you’re small and helpless, someone should be there for you.”

I wasn’t sure if that final comment was about the dogs or himself. I brought his hand to my lips, kissing his knuckles. Maverick didn’t speak about this often and I knew he didn’t want to speak about it now. I just held him in silent support as he caressed my palm.

He cleared his throat. “Anyway. Were you serious about considering giving Adam one of the puppies? Depends on what the real owner wants to do with them, but it might be good for him.”

I heaved a sigh. “I don’t know if my pampered prince needs a cat, a horse, and a dog. Not to mention we have so much going on right now.”

“If it helps, I’ll pick up the slack. I miss having dogs. And cockatiels. And my turtle.”

“You’re working us up to the full menagerie, aren’t you? The puppy is just the beginning.”

“Got me all figured out.”

I laughed which roused Nala and earned me a cheek-licking. “Thank you but kisses won’t sway me to share my man either.” I reached over and rubbed her belly all the same. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024