Mephitic (Anathema #2) - Yolanda Olson Page 0,32

edge. “You know that little underground room you wandered into? That’s where we had her. I guess Trixie was on the eve of becoming some kind of superhero for her goat and she needed a sacrifice or some shit. I don’t know how it works; I never cared really, but there was free pussy to be had and she did the dirty work of getting rid of her, so I figured why the fuck not? Anyway, I fucked the party favor senseless. To the point where I think she forgot her own goddamn name. Trixie played with her pussy while she watched us and even though I had already promised her that I wouldn’t fuck her that night, the thought never left me.” I pause to take another drag of my smoke before I flick it out the window and finish the story. “She slit her throat after she had me come into some chalice thing. Then we went and knelt by that banister thing where her picture was hanging and she said some weird prayer thing, drank the essence of life, and that was it. We somehow became tied together forever.”

When the kid doesn’t say anything, I glance over to see what the fuck he’s doing, then blow out my breath in exasperation. I reach over and unclip his seatbelt, then remove the child-lock on his door. Seems that I lost him somewhere between a hard, vicious fuck and a sacrifice and he’s been trying to get out of the truck.

“Go ahead and jump,” I dare him with a smirk. Actually, wait.”

I crack my neck as I grip the steering wheel tightly and press down on the gas pedal as far as it will go, lurching the truck forward and intense speed.

“Woo!” I shout out as my hair begins to whip around my face. It’s actually quite exhilarating, but when I glance at the waste of a fuck, he looks like he’s about to piss his pants.

Rolling my eyes, I ease up on the speed and shrug.

“Thought you wanted to jump? If you’re going to take a tumble, may as well make it a good one. Granted, I’m not one for cleaning up roadkill so if you thought I was going to stop and see if you were okay, it wasn’t going to happen. Now why don’t you buckle that seatbelt back up, behave for a few more hours, and smile at your Aunt Trixie when you meet her, eh? She’s gonna be confused enough as it is when I show up.”

The kid uses the back of his hand to wipe the tears from his face and I sigh loudly. How? How the fuck is it possible that this scared, passive aggressive little shit came out of my sac?

Ah well.

Taking a deep breath, I lean my elbow on the window frame and keep driving. We’ll catch up to Trixie soon, and when we do, things will finally fucking go my way for once.


Blonde Damsels and Demons


I don't know why I got back in this fucking truck.

Lakyn is a complete and total asshole and all I want right now is to get the hell away from him. Unfortunately, the urge to literally jump out of a moving car just seemed to entertain him, and as I rub the sleeve of my shirt over my cheek again, I can hear him chuckling under his breath.

All of this is just too much.

It hasn't even been a whole day with him yet and I've already seen my father stomp an old guy's face in and wrestle that priestess chick into the back of the SUV after the sun went down. Honestly, if I was smart, I would have just walked away right then. Right into the middle of the fucking desert where at least I wouldn't have to think about the psycho bitch in the backseat gutting an old woman to get to her heart… or the way she'd shoved that knife into Willa.


Every time I think about her being gone, really gone, it makes my stomach twist and my throat go stiff and then it's impossible to keep my goddamn eyes from leaking.

But how am I not supposed to think about her?

We're in her car. I've got her fucking hair tie around my wrist and I'm sitting where she was this morning. Still alive, and beautiful, and completely pissed at me because I killed her charity case. If I could fix it, I would. I'd do whatever it takes just to have Copyright 2016 - 2024